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International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1998

1068-9605 / 98 / 0400-0147$15.00 / 0 Ó 1998 Plenum Publishing Corporation


Algorithms Transformation Techniques for Low-PowerWireless VLSI Systems Design

Naresh R. Shanbhag1

This paper presents an overview of algorithm transformation techniques and discusses their role

in the developm ent of hardware-ef® cient and low-power VLSI algorithms and architectures for

communication systems. Algorithm transformation techniques such as retiming, look-ahead and

relaxed pipelining, parallel processing, folding, unfolding, and strength reduction are described.

These techniques are applied statically (i.e., during the system design phase) and hence are referred

to as static algorithm transformations (SATs). SAT techniques alter the structural and functional

properties of a given algorithm so as to be able to jointly optimize performance measures in the

algorithm ic (signal-to-noise ratio [SNR] and bit error rate [BER]) and VLSI (power dissipation, area

and throughput) domains. Next, a new class of algorithm transformations referred to as dynamic

algorithm transformations (DAT) is presented. These transformations exploit the nonstationarity

in the input signal environm ent to determ ine and assign minimum computational requirements for

an algorithm in real time. Both SAT and DAT techniques are poised to play a critical role in the

development of low-power wireless VLSI systems given the trend toward increasing digital signal

processing in these systems.

KEY WORDS: Low power; VLSI; wireless; architectures.


We are witnessing a tremendous growth in the com-

munications arena in general and wireless communica-

tions in particular. The latter includes traditional ser-

vices such as paging, cellular communications, and satel-

lite systems, and the more recent personal communica-

tions services (PCS) [1], wireless local area networks

(WLANs) [2], etc. In this paper, we will present tech-

niques that jointly optimize algorithm and VLSI perfor-

mance. These techniques are applicable to general digi-

tal signal processing (DSP) or communications applica-

tions. We will indicate the relevance of these techniques

in the design of low-power wireless transceivers, espe-

cially those parts that involve intensive digital signal pro-


1 Coordinated Science Laboratory / ECE Dept., University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, 1308 West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801;

email: [emailprotected] iuc.edu.

The processing in wireless transceivers can be

partitioned into radio frequency (RF) processing and

baseband digital processing. Traditionally, the function

of the RF section has been low-noise ampli® cation,

channel select ® ltering, and up /downconversion of the

baseband information to / from radio frequencies. RF

sections are usually implemented via discrete compo-

nents due to the high signal frequencies involved. In

recent years, the complementary metal oxide semicon-

ductor (CMOS) analog design community [3, 6, 7] has

focused its interest on developing CMOS RF front ends.

Designing CMOS RF sections is a challenging propo-

sition as CMOS technology is inherently slow as com-

pared to the power-hungry bipolar technology. However,

a CMOS RF front end offers the undeniable advan-

tage of large-scale integration with baseband process-

ing and thus approaching the holy grail of a single-chip


In recent years, schemes advocating the placement

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of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) at increasingly

higher frequencies such as intermediate frequency (IF)

sampling schemes [7] have appeared. An extreme exam-

ple of this trend is the concept of software radio [4],

where the sampling is done as close to the antenna as

possible and the digital section is made programmable

so that a class of modulation schemes can be imple-

mented by the user. A good example of power-optimal

placement of the analog-digital interface can be found

in Ref. [5], where power consumption as a function of

data precision, ® lter length, operating frequency, tech-

nology scaling, and the maturity of the fabrication pro-

cess has been studied. This points to an increase in the

complexity of the digital processing section. Given the

extensive research being conducted in the area of multi-

media wireless, whereby joint source and channel cod-

ing is being explored, it can be envisaged that the dig-

ital signal processing component of future transceivers

will grow even more. The techniques presented in this

paper are applicable to wireless transceivers where the

predominant processing is done digitally.

Modern-day wireless communication systems are

characterized by high bit rates over severely time-vary-

ing, band-limited channels. Robust transmission schemes

require the implementation of complex signal processing

algorithms while mobile wireless applications require

low-power dissipation. These con¯ icting requirements

make the design of these systems a challenging proposi-

tion. The traditional approach (see Fig. 1A) to realizing a

Fig. 1. VLSI systems design: (A) the traditional and (B) the modern


concept in silicon consists of two major steps: algorithm

design and VLSI implementation. The major concern

in the algorithm design phase consists of meeting the

algorithmic performance requirements such as SNR and

bit error rate (BER). Constraints from the VLSI domain

such as area, power dissipation, and throughput were

addressed only after the parameters (and sometimes the

structure) of the algorithm were well de® ned. It is now

well recognized that such an approach results in a long

transition time from algorithm design to a silicon proto-

type. Therefore, there has been a strong need to develop

a uni® ed design paradigm, whereby the design of signal

processing /communications algorithms and VLSI can be

addressed in a cohesive manner. Design methodologies

and design tools based on such a paradigm will be nec-

essary to realize complex VLSI systems for signal pro-

cessing and communications.

The present design trend (see Fig. 1B) is to incorpo-

rate VLSI issues as constraints into the algorithm design

phase. In particular, algorithm transformation techniques

[8] were proposed as an intermediary step in the trans-

lation to VLSI hardware. These techniques were origi-

nally developed for high-throughpu t applications. How-

ever, they have found applications in low-power design

as well [9]. Algorithm transformation techniques mod-

ify the algorithm structure and/ or performance in order

to introduce VLSI-friendly features. These techniques

include retiming [10], look-ahead pipelining [11, 12],

relaxed look-ahead [13], strength reduction [9, 14], block

processing [11, 16], algebraic transformations [17], fold-

ing [18, 19] and unfolding [20, 21], which have been

employed to design low-power and high-throu ghput DSP

and communications systems.

This paper will review algorithm transformation

techniques and indicate their application in the design

of low-power VLSI systems for wireless systems. We

refer to the existing algorithm transformations men-

tioned above as static algorithm transformations (SAT),

because these are applied during the algorithm design

phase assuming a worst-case scenario. In contrast, we

have recently proposed dynamic algorithm transforma-

tions (DAT) [22], whereby the algorithm and architec-

ture is dynamically adapted to the input nonstationari-

ties so that the minimum possible functionality is acti-

vated at any given time. Power savings via this approach

have proved to be substantial ly higher than applying SAT


In Section 2 we present preliminaries regarding

the data-¯ ow graph (DFG) representation for DSP algo-

rithms, power dissipation, and speed in CMOS VLSI

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systems. The SAT techniques are described in Section

3, while Section 4 discusses the more recent DAT tech-



In this section, we will review the DFG representa-

tion of DSP algorithms, and the basics of power dissipa-

tion and speed in the commonly used CMOS technology.

2.1. The Data-Flow Graph (DFG) Representation

A common representation of DSP algorithms is nec-

essary in order to be able to apply the algorithm trans-

formation techniques in a uniform manner. To do this,

we will employ a DFG representation (see Fig. 2) of the

algorithm. Figure 2 shows alternative representations of

the DFG, whereby the graph on the left is a weighted

directed graph, while the one on the right has a one-

to-one correspondence with the actual hardware. The

weighted directed DFG (referred to as a graph-theoretic

DFG) is employed whenever the algorithm transforma-

tions are based upon traditional graph-theoretic results.

Retiming [10] and folding [19] are examples of such

transformations. In this paper, we will be employing both

representations interchangeably.

The graph-theoretic DFG in Fig. 2 is a weighted

directed graph G = (V , E , d , w), where V is the set of

graph nodes representing algorithm ic operations, E is the

set of directed edges/ arcs connecting the nodes, w is the

set of edge weights (equal to the number of delays on

that edge), and d is the set of node delays. For example,

the DFG on the left in Fig. 3 represents an FIR ® lter with

a transfer function H(z ± 1) = c0z ± 1 + c1z ± 2 . The corre-

sponding graph-theoretic DFG is shown on the right in

Fig. 3, where

Fig. 2. Data-¯ ow graph representation: (A) alternative DFG represen-

tations, and (B) the lumped delay model.

V = {vh , v1, v2 , v3} (1)

E = {e0 , e1 , e2 , e3 , e4} (2)

w(e0) = w(e2) = w(e3) = 0 (3)

w(e1) = 1, w(e4) = 1 (4)

d(vh) = 0, d(v1) = d(v2) = d(v3) = 1 (5)

Note that a host node vh with zero computational delay

is de® ned. This node represents the input-output inter-

face between the DSP algorithm and the external world.

The delays of the DFG nodes represent the time required

to produce one sample of the output. In this paper, we

will employ positive real numbers to describe the delay

without actually specifying the units. This is acceptable

as our interest here is to compare two architectures (the

original and the transformed one) designed with the same

hardware/ software library. The delay itself depends on

the precision requirements of the algorithm and the com-

ponents of the hardware/ software library. Hence, with-

out loss of generality, we will assume that a DFG (such

as in Fig. 3) represents a ® nite-precision DSP algorithm.

We now de® ne certain properties of the DFG such

as paths, critical path, iteration period, and iteration pe-

riod bound. A path p is a sequence of nodes and arcs de-

noted as u ± ± > v ± ± > ´ ́́ ± ± > w, where u is the source

node and w is the destination node of the path. Therefore,

a path u ± ± > v is an arc with u as the source and v as

the destination node. The iteration period (IP) (or the

sample period ) of the DFG is given by:

IP = max" p Î aDFG

d( p) (6)

where aDFG is an acyclic version of the original DFG

obtained from it by removing arcs with nonzero delays.

Thus, the iteration period of the DFG in Fig. 3 is 30 time

units. The critical path of a DFG is a path p such that

d( p) = IP. The goal of most algorithm transformation

techniques is to reduce the delay of the critical path. The

Fig. 3. Example of a DFG representation of an FIR ® lter.

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iteration period bound (IPB) [8] for a DFG is de® ned as


IPB = max" L

åv Î L


åe Î L


where L is a loop in the DFG, where a loop is de® ned

as a path p whose source and destination nodes are iden-

tical. Note that IP can be altered via the application of

various algorithm transformation techniques. However,

the IP will always be greater than or equal to the IPB.

Note that the DFG on the right in Fig. 3 describes

the ¯ ow of data between the computational nodes of the

algorithm. In other words, the number of DFG vertices

represent the number of operations that need to be per-

formed in order to produce one output sample. We refer

to this DFG as an algorithmic DFG (or simply a DFG).

In contrast, a DFG that represents the actual hardware

blocks and the interconnection between them is referred

to as the hardware DFG (HDFG). For example, if all the

nodes of the DFG on the right in Fig. 3 are mapped to a

unique hardware block, then the corresponding HDFG

would be identical to that on the left in Fig. 3. The

HDFG is obtained by mapping the nodes of an algorith-

mic DFG onto the hardware elements via the processes

of resource binding and scheduling [37]. For a given

DFG, numerous HDFGs exist. The speed of an HDFG is

speci® ed in terms of the clock period T clk , which may or

may not equal the iteration period IP of the correspond-

ing DFG.

2.2. Power Dissipation

We will be considering CMOS technology and in

particular we will consider the static circuit design style.

Both the technology and the design style are by far the

most popular. The static design style is shown on the

left in Fig. 4 for a CMOS inverter. The PMOS tran-

sistor is ON when the input voltage V in is at 0V , while

the NMOS transistor is ON when V in = V d d, the supply

voltage. The output node is connected to V d d(0V ) when

the PMOS (NMOS) transistor is ON, thus accomplish-

ing the inverter functionality. The load capacitance CL

in Fig. 4 plays a critical role in determining the power

dissipation and the speed of the logic gate. In any case,

the inverter behavior can be abstracted as shown on the

right in Fig. 4, where the PMOS and NMOS transistors

Fig. 4. Power dissipation in CMOS circuits.

are represented as a p-switch (PS) and an n-switch (NS),

respectively. Other logic gates can be similarly designed

by generalizing the switches to PMOS and NMOS net-


The CMOS inverter in Fig. 4 has many different

components of power dissipation. Of these, the dynamic

power dissipation [23] PD is the predominant compo-

nent in digital CMOS VLSI circuits, accounting for more

than 90% of the total power dissipation. This component

occurs due to the cyclical charging and discharging of

the load capacitance CL . The average dynamic PD power

dissipation for the inverter is given by

PD = P0 ± ± >1CLV 2d d f c lk (8)

where P0 ± ± >1 is the average probability of a 0 ± ± > 1 tran-

sition at the output, CL is the load capacitance, V d d is

the supply voltage, and f clk is the frequency of opera-

tion. Existing power reduction techniques [24] involve

reducing one or more of the four quantities P0 ± ± >1 , CL ,

V d d , and f clk . For example, complexity-reducing algo-

rithm transformations such as strength reduction (see

Section 3.8) reduce CL by eliminating redundant arith-

metic operations. On the other hand, low-voltage tech-

nologies reduce V d d . An aggregate of Eq. (8) over all

switching nodes in a VLSI chip will provide the total

chip power dissipation, a task that is nontrivial and is

being actively researched in the area of power estima-

tion [25].

2.3. Speed

The speed of the inverter in Fig. 4 depends upon the

rate at which the load capacitance CL can be charged and

discharged. In fact, the delay of this inverter t inv [23] can

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be approximated as:

t inv =CL

V d d 1 Ln

knW n+


kpW p 2 (9)

where Lp and W p are the length and width of the PMOS

transistor, Ln and W n are the length and width of the

NMOS transistor, and kn and kp are process parameters

not under the designer ’ s control. From Eqs. (8) and (9),

it is clear that reducing CL bene® ts both speed and power

metrics. Unfortunately, a major component of CL is pro-

portional to the areas (W nLn + W pLp) of the transistors

in the following stage (assumed to be identical to the

current stage). Usually, the transistor lengths Ln and Lp

are kept at the minimum allowable by the technology.

Hence, the widths need to be minimized also. However,

this will increase the delay tinv as can be seen from Eq.


Equations (8) and (9) bring out the well-known

trade-off between power and speed as the supply volt-

age V d d is scaled down. In recent years, V d d scaling

[24] (to reduce power as shown in Eq. (8)) accompa-

nied by throughput- enhancing algorithm transformations

(to compensate for loss in speed as indicated by Eq. (9))

such as pipelining [8, 12, 13] and parallel processing [8,

11] have been proposed as an effective low-power tech-

nique for DSP applications.



In this section we will describe static algorithm

transformation techniques that modify the properties of

a given algorithm so as to enable a VLSI implementa-

tion that meets the constraints on power, area, and speed.

It will be seen that most of these techniques transform

the structural properties of the algorithm without alter-

ing the functional properties. An exception to this rule is

the relaxed look-ahead technique [13] for pipelining of

adaptive digital ® lters.

3.1. Retiming

Retiming is a transformation by which delays in

a DFG are transferred from one arc to another without

impacting the output sequence. An example of retiming

is shown in Fig. 5, where one delay from the output of

node B is transferred to both of its inputs. This trans-

Fig. 5. Retiming.

fer of delay is transparent to the host node (not shown)

or to the external world. Retiming is typically employed

to reduce the iteration period IP, reduce power, and

improve scheduling of the DFG.

To see how the iteration period IP of a DFG is

reduced, consider the DFG on the left in Fig. 6. Assume

that a multiply computation time (or delay) T m = 20 and

an add time T a = 10. The original system has an IP =50. Transferring two latches from the output, we obtain

the retimed DFG as shown on the right in Fig. 6. This

DFG has an IP = 20, which is an improvement by more

than a factor of 2.

The examples in Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate manual

retiming. While this may be possible for simple DFGs,

it becomes very hard if the DFG is complex and irregu-

lar. Hence, a formal de® nition of retiming [10] is needed,

whereby each node u in the DFG is assigned an integer-

valued retiming label r(u). The host node vh always has

r(vh) =0. It can be shown that [10] a valid retiming exists if

the retiming values r(u) for all nodes u Î V can be deter-

mined such that for every edge e Î E , the expression

wr (e) = w(e) + r(v) ± r(u) (10)

is nonnegative, where e is an arc with u and v as the

source and destination nodes, respectively. In that case,

replacing the number of delays on edge e(w(e)) by wr (e)

will not alter the functionality of the DFG. For example,

consider the retiming of the FIR ® lter DFG in Fig. 7A,

which has an IP = 30. The retimed DFG in Fig. 7B can

be obtained by assigning the retiming values r(vh) = 0,

r(v1) = 0, r(v2) = 0 and r(v3) = 1. This retimed DFG has

an IP = 20 as can be seen from Fig. 7B.

Fig. 6. An ad-hoc retiming example.

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Fig. 7. A systematic retiming example: (A) the original DFG and (B)

the retimed DFG.

The examples described so far illustrate the use of

retiming for reducing the IP of the DFG. As mentioned

before, retiming can also reduce the power dissipation by

reducing the average transition probability P0 ± ± >1 in Eq.

(8). This can be accomplished by retiming the delays D

to equalize the path delays d( p) into a node so that the

probability of glitches at the node output is reduced. In

recent years, equivalence between retiming and schedul-

ing [26] and retiming and clock skew optimization have

been derived [27], thus indicating the versatility of this


While retiming can transfer existing delays to pro-

vide the bene® ts of reduced IP and lower power, it can-

not create additional delays. Having additional delays in

a DFG provides ¯ exibility from a VLSI implementation

perspective. The pipelining technique, described in the

next subsection, is able to create additional delays, which

can then be exploited by retiming.

3.2. Pipelining

Pipelining is an architectural technique for enhanc-

ing the throughput of an algorithm. Conceptually, it in-

volves placing pipelining delays at appropriate arcs of

the DFG such that the IPB of the DFG is reduced. These

delays result in the DFG being a cascade of pipelining

stages with each stage operating concurrently. In recent

years, pipelined architectures have found application in

low-power design as well due to the inherent power-

delay trade-off described in Section 2.3. The utility of

pipelined algorithms in low-power design is described


Let CLV 2d d f be the dynamic power dissipation of

a serial architecture. Then the power dissipation of an

L-level pipelined architecture (with each stage operating

at L times the speed of the serial architecture) is given


Ppipe = CLV2d dL f (11)

where L f is the L-fold increase in throughput due to

pipelining. This increased throughput can be traded off

with power by scaling V d d and the operating frequency

L f by a factor of L. This would result in the throughput

(see Section 2.3) of the pipelined and the serial architec-

tures to be identical. The resulting power dissipation for

the pipelined architecture is given by:

Ppipe =CLV 2

d d f


which is L2 times lower than that of the serial architec-

ture. Note that we have ignored the slight increase in CL

in Eqs. (11) and (12) which would arise due to the intro-

duction of pipelining latches.

Pipelining of nonrecursive DFGs is quite straight-

forward and can be accomplished via the feedforward

cutset pipelining technique [28, 29].

De® nition 1: A cutset of a DFG is a set of arcs

in the DFG (not including the arcs emanating from the

host node vh) that when removed results in two disjoint


For example, arcs E2 and E3 in Fig. 7A constitute

a cutset of the DFG. Consider a line drawn through all

the elements of a cutset with its two ends extending all

the way to in® nity. Such a line partitions the DFG into

two sub-DFGs.

De® nition 2: A feedforward (FF) cutset is that cut-

set in which the source nodes of all the cutset elements

lie in the same sub-DFG and the destination nodes all

lie in the other sub-DFG.

With this de® nition, it can be seen that the cutset

(E2 , E3) is also an FF cutset of the DFG in Fig. 7A.

The FF cutset pipelining technique ® rst identi® es an

FF cutset of the DFG and then places M delays in each

element of the cutset. This is illustrated in case of an FIR

® lter shown in Fig. 8A, where three FF cutsets are shown

via dashed lines. We obtain an IP = 40 assuming T m = 20

and T a = 10. By placing M = 1 delays at the vertical FF

cutsets, we obtain the pipelined architecture on the left in

Fig. 8B. This architecture has an IP = 30. Similarly, by

placing M = 1 delays at the horizontal cutset (see Fig. 8A),

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Fig. 8. Feedforward cutset pipelining: (A) identi® cation of feedfor-

ward cutsets and (B) pipelining via delay placement at the cutsets.

we obtain the pipelined DFG on the right in Fig. 8B.

This DFG has an IP = 20, which is half of that of the

original DFG in Fig. 8A.

By employing values of M > 1, we obtain multiple

delays at the cutsets, which can then be retimed. How-

ever, introducing M delays at a cutset increases the sam-

ple latency of the DFG, where sample latency is de® ned

as the delay between the input and the output in terms

of the number of sample periods. For most signal pro-

cessing and communications this increase in latency is

usually not critical.

In this subsection, we introduced the FF cutset pipe-

lining technique and discussed its application to DFGs

that do not have any feedback loops. This technique

is not applicable to DFGs that have feedback loops as

would be the case for IIR and adaptive ® lters. The next

two subsections will present pipelining techniques for

recursive DFGs.

3.3. Look-Ahead Pipelining

The previous subsection addressed the issue of

pipelining nonrecursive structures via retiming and FF

cutset pipelining. While retiming requires the presence

of delays (so that they can be transferred), FF cutset

pipelining provides these delays for nonrecursive struc-

tures. However, in case of recursive DFGs, cutset trans-

formation is not applicable as no FF cutsets exist in such

DFGs. Deliberately applying this transformation to any

cutset (not just FF cutsets) will alter the functionality of

the DFG. Hence, pipelining of recursive DFGs is non-

trivial and the look-ahead transformation technique has

been proposed [11] in order to get around this problem.

Consider the ® rst-order recursion in Fig. 9, where

computational delays are assumed to be T m = 20, T a =10, and the equation describing the system is given by

x(n) = ax(n ± 1) + u(n) (13)

The computation time of (13) is lower bounded by a sin-

gle multiply and add time and hence the IP = 30 time

units. From the de® nition of the IP bound (see Eq. 7),

we ® nd that the IPB = 30. Therefore, no implementation

can achieve an IP smaller than 30 time units. This is a

throughput bottleneck that can be broken by the applica-

tion of the look-ahead pipelining technique. For the sim-

ple ® rst-order recursion shown above, an M-step look-

ahead pipelining reduces to expressing w(n) as a func-

tion of w(n ± M ) as shown below:

x(n) = aM x(n ± M ) +

M ± 1

åi =0

a iu(n ± i) (14)

This transformation introduces M latches into the recur-

sive loop, which can be retimed [10] to attain M-level

pipelining of the multiply and add operations. This im-

plies an M-level speed-up assuming that the compos-

ite of the multiply-add computation is pipelined uni-

formly. Note that this transformation has not altered the

input-output behavior. This invariance with respect to the

input-output behavior has been achieved at the expense

of the look-ahead overhead term (the second term in Eq.

14), which is of the order of N M (N is the ® lter order)

and can be expensive for large values of M . A look-

ahead pipelined fourth-order IIR ® lter operating at 85

MHz has been implemented in VLSI [30], demonstrating

the practical utility of this technique.

Note that the look-ahead overhead is a nonrecur-

sive structure and hence can be pipelined easily via the

techniques of FF cutset pipelining [28] and retiming [10]

described in Sections 3.2 and 3.1, respectively. This is

shown by the diagram at the top of Fig. 10 where an M =

Fig. 9. A ® rst-order ® xed-coef® cient recursive section.

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Fig. 10. A look-ahead pipelined ® rst-order recursive section.

2 step look-ahead pipelined architecture is obtained from

the architecture in Fig. 9. A horizontal cutset is applied

to the FIR section and the two delays are retimed in the

IIR section to obtain the architecture at the bottom of

Fig. 10. This architecture has a critical path delay of IP

= 20, while the IPB = 15. If the delays are placed such

that all pipelining stages have identical delay, then the

IP = IPB = 15 time units. This is possible to do in an

application-speci® c integrated circuit implementation of

the algorithm.

For IIR ® lters of order greater than unity, there are

two types of look-ahead transformations: clustered and

scattered look-ahead . In a serial (or unpipelined) recur-

sive digital ® lter, the current state w(n) is computed as a

function of past states w(n ± 1), w(n ± 2), . . . , w(n ± N ),

and present and past values of input u(n). In other words,

x(n) = fserial(x(n ± 1), x(n ± 2), . . . ,x(n ± N ), u(n), u(n ± 1), . . . ,u(n ± P)) (15)

where N is the order of the ® lter, and fserial(.) is a linear

function. On the other hand, an M-step clustered look-

ahead pipelined ® lter can be described as

x(n) = fc, pipe(x(n ± M), x(n ± M ± 1), . . . ,x(n ± M ± N + 1), u(n), u(n ± 1), . . . ,

u(n ± M + 1)) (16)

where it can be seen that the present state x(n) is com-

puted as a function of a cluster of N states that are M

sample periods in the past. The hardware overhead due

to clustered look-ahead is O(M ) as indicated by Eq. (16).

In a scattered look-ahead pipelined ® lter, the current

state is computed as

x(n) = fs, pipe(x(n ± M ), x(n ± 2M ), . . . ,x(n ± N M ), u(n), u(n ± 1), . . . ,

u(n ± N M ± 2)), (17)

where fs, pipe(.) is the scattered look-ahead function.

The hardware overhead due to scattered look-ahead is

O(N M ), which can be reduced via decomposition [11]

to O(N log2(M )). Therefore, scattered look-ahead has a

higher hardware overhead as compared to clustered look-

ahead. However, a signi® cant advantage of scattered

look-ahead is that it preserves stability, while clustered

look-ahead may not. Closed-form expressions for deriv-

ing the clustered and scattered look-ahead ® lter transfer

functions can be found in [11]. Here we illustrate the two

look-ahead techniques via an example.

Consider the serial digital ® lter described by the fol-

lowing equation:

x(n) = ± 0.5x(n ± 1) + 0.24x(n ± 2) + u(n) (18)

Assuming T m = 20 and T a = 10, the ® lter in Eq. (18)

has a critical path delay of 40 time units. This is also

the value of IP and the IPB. Next, the application of

clustered look-ahead results in the following equation:

x(n) = ± 0.365x(n ± 3) + 0.1176x(n ± 4) + u(n)

± 0.5u(n ± 1) ± 0.49u(n ± 2), (19)

with the corresponding architecture shown in Fig. 11.

Similarly, the scattered look-ahead pipelined architecture

is shown in Fig. 12 and is described by the following

Fig. 11. A clustered look-ahead pipelined section.

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Fig. 12. A scattered look-ahead section.


x(n) = ± 0.485x(n ± 3) + 0.013824x(n ± 6) + u(n)

± 0.5u(n ± 1) ± 0.49u(n ± 2) ± 0.12u(n ± 3)

± 0.0576u(n ± 4) (20)

Both architectures in Figs. 11 and 12 have an IPB = 40/ 3,

which can be achieved via uniform pipelining.

The look-ahead pipelining technique has proved

to be very effective for designing high-throughp ut low-

power ® xed coef® cient ® lters. However, application of

look-ahead to adaptive ® lters can result in large hard-

ware overhead. In the next section we present a pipelin-

ing technique for adaptive ® lters, which is in fact based

on an approximate form of the look-ahead technique pre-

sented in this section.

3.4. Relaxed Look-Ahead Pipelining

For adaptive ® ltering applications, a direct appli-

cation of look-ahead techniques (described in the pre-

vious subsection) would result in a very high computa-

tional complexity. This was the motivation for develop-

ing the relaxed look-ahead technique [13]. The relaxed

look-ahead pipelining technique allows very high sam-

pling rates to be achieved with minimal hardware over-

head. This technique involves the following two steps:

1. Application of look-ahead technique [11] to the

serial algorithm

2. Approximating the functionality of various

blocks in the look-ahead pipelined algorithm

such that the impact on the overall convergence

behavior is minimal

While Step 1 results in a unique pipelined algo-

rithm, Step 2 permits various approximations (or relax-

ations) that result in a family of pipelined algorithms.

However, due to the relaxations made in Step 2, the con-

vergence behavior of the ® nal pipelined algorithm will

be different from that of the serial algorithm. Hence,

unlike in all other algorithm transformations, conver-

gence analysis is an integral part of the relaxed look-

ahead technique. For the same reason it also represents

a true joint optimization of algorithm design and VLSI.

We now describe the relaxed look-ahead technique via

an example. Consider a ® rst-order time-varying recur-

sive ® lter as described below:

x(n + 1) = a(n)x(n) + b(n)u(n) (21)

where u(n) is the primary input as indicated in the archi-

tectural block diagram of Fig. 13. If T m = 20 and T a = 10,

then IP = IPB = 30 time units. From Step 1 above, we

® rst apply an M -step look-ahead to Eq. (21) to obtain,

x(n + M ) = [ P M ± 1i =0 a(n + i)]x(n)


M ± 1

åi =0

[ P ij =1a(n ± M ± j)]

. b(n + M ± 1 ± i)u(n + M ± 1 ± i) (22)

It can be seen that the complexity of Eq. (22) is sub-

stantially higher than that of the serial architecture in

Fig. 14A. This complexity increase is due to the ª exactº

nature of the look-ahead transformation. For adaptive ® l-

tering applications such an ª exactº transformation is not

needed as it is of more interest to maintain the average

convergence behavior. Hence, we may approximate or

relax this exactness via the help of various relaxations

at the expense of slightly altered convergence behavior.

We now describe three types of relaxations: sum, prod-

uct, and delay relaxations, which have proved to be very

useful for pipelining LMS-type adaptive ® lters.

If we assume that the input a(n) is close to unity and

that the product b(n)u(n) does not change substantially

over M cycles, then we can obtain the following relaxed

Fig. 13. A ® rst-order time-varying ® lter.

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Fig. 14. Relaxed look-ahead pipelining: (A) look-ahead pipelining, (B) sum, (C) product, and (D) delay relaxations.

look-ahead pipelined algorithm:

x(n + M ) = [ P M ± 1i = 0 a(n + i)]x(n)

+ Mb(n + M ± 1)u(n + M ± 1) (23)

The architecture corresponding to Eq. (23) is shown in

Fig. 14B and the relaxation employed in obtaining Eq.

(23) is called sum relaxation . Going a step further, we

can approximate the product in the ® rst term Eq. (23) as


x(n + M ) = [1 ± M(1 ± a(n + 3))]x(n)

+ Mb(n + M ± 1)u(n + M ± 1) (24)

which is a valid approximation if a(n) is close to unity

and slowly varying over M cycles. This relaxation is re-

ferred to as the product relaxation. Figure 14C shows a

four-step relaxed look-ahead pipelined architecture that

was obtained by the application of both sum and product

relaxations. Finally, we show the delay relaxation in Fig.

14D. The block diagram on the left in Fig. 14D consists

of an FIR ® lter whose coef® cient vector W(n) is being

updated by the weight-update block WUD every clock

cycle as follows:

W(n + 1) = W(n) + f (W(n), x(n), e(n)) (25)

where f (W(n), x(n), e(n)) is a correction term, x(n) is the

input sample, and e(n) is the error sample. Delay relax-

ation involves the modi® cation of the correction term as


W(n + 1) = W(n) + f (W(n), x(n ± D1), e(n ± D1)) (26)

which is applicable only if the value of the f (W(n),

x(n ± D1), e(n ± D1)) is close to that of f (W(n), x(n), e(n)).

When applied to the least-mean-squared (LMS) [44]

algorithm, the delay relaxation results in the ª delayed

LMSº [45].

In addition to the two relaxations presented above,

other relaxations can be de® ned by approximating the

algorithm obtained via application of look-ahead. The

application of these relaxations, individually or in dif-

ferent combinations, results in a rich variety of archi-

tectures. However, these architectures will have differ-

ent convergence properties and it is necessary to analyze

their convergence behavior. We now apply relaxed look-

ahead to the LMS algorithm as shown next.

Consider the serial LMS ® lter described by the fol-

lowing equations:

W(n) = W(n ± 1) + l e(n)X(n);

e(n) = d(n) ± WT(n ± 1)X(n), (27)

where W(n) is the weight vector, X(n) is the input vector,

e(n) is the adaptation error, l is the step size, and d(n) is

the desired signal. The critical path delay for the serial

LMS is given by

T c, serial = 2T m + (N + 1)T a (28)

where N is equal to the number of taps in the ® lter block

(or F-block) and we have assumed that the WUD block

adders and the F block adders are single precision.

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The relaxed look-ahead pipelined LMS architecture

(see Refs. [13, 33] for details) is given by

W(n) = W(n ± D2) + l

LA ± 1

åi =0

e(n ± D1 ± i)X(n ± D1 ± i);

e(n) = d(n) ± WT(n ± D2)X(n) (29)

where D1 delays are introduced via the delay relaxation

and D2 delays are introduced via the sum relaxation. The

D1 and D2 delays can be employed to pipeline the hard-

ware operators in an actual implementation. In fact, the

strategic location of D1 and D2 delays enables pipelin-

ing of all the arithmetic operations at a ® ne-grain level.

Relaxed look-ahead pipelined ® lters have found practi-

cal applications in the design of a 100 MHz adaptive dif-

ferential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) video codec

chip [31], 51.84 Mb/ s ATM-LAN [32] and broadband

access transceiver chip sets.

The application of relaxed look-ahead requires a

subsequent convergence analysis of the pipelined ® lter.

For the sake of brevity, we will not describe this analysis

in detail. It will suf® ce to mention that the bounds on the

step-size l become tighter and the adaptation accuracy

degrades slightly as the ratio D1 / D2 increases. The con-

vergence speed is not altered substantially if the value

of LA is chosen to be close to D2 . The interested reader

is referred to Refs. [13, 33] for further details on the

convergence analysis of the relaxed look-ahead pipelined

LMS ® lter. As relaxed look-ahead results in a small hard-

ware overhead, the increased throughput due to pipelin-

ing can be employed to meet the speed requirements,

reduce power (in combination with power supply scal-

ing [24] described earlier in Section 3.2), and reduce area

(in combination with the folding transformation [19] to

be described later in Section 3.7).

We conclude this section with an example illustrat-

ing the speed-up due to relaxed look-ahead pipelining.

Consider the N = 5 tap serial architecture in Fig. 15A,

which has a critical path delay (see Eq. (28)) of T clk =200, where we have assumed T m = 40 and T a = 20. For

a speed-up of M = 40, the critical path delay of the pipe-

lined system should be 5. This can be achieved with the

relaxed look-ahead pipelined ® lter (see Fig. 15B) with

D1 = 44 and D2 = 4 and where each adder is pipelined

into four stages while each multiplier is pipelined into

eight stages.

While pipelining is an attractive throughput-enh anc-

ing technique due to its low hardware overhead, the

extent of pipelining can be limited by what is known

as an input-output bound. This bound puts a limit on the

maximum rate at which the data can be exchanged with

an integrated circuit due to large parasitic capacitance on

the pin leads. In that case, we may employ parallelization

techniques along with pipelining to achieve throughputs

that cannot be achieved by either one alone. In the next

section, we present parallel architectures for digital ® l-


Fig. 15. Example: (A) serial architecture and (B) pipelined architecture with speed-up of 48.

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3.5. Block /Parallel Processing

Pipelining achieves high throughput via the place-

ment of pipelining latches so that the cascaded sections

of the hardware can operate concurrently. In contrast,

parallel/block processing involves replication of hard-

ware in order to process a block of inputs in parallel.

Thus, parallel architectures have an area penalty, which

would be of concern. However, if the pipelined archi-

tecture is up against the input-output bound, then we

can employ parallelization techniques to overcome it.

Wireless receivers with IF sampling and software radio

[4] architectures usually have a high sample rate sig-

nal processing front end. Such architectures can bene® t

from a combination of pipelining and parallel process-

ing. As was the case in pipelined architectures, a power

vs. throughput trade-off is also possible for parallel pro-

cessing architectures, which can be seen in the following


Let CLV 2d d f be the dynamic power dissipation of

a serial architecture. Then the power dissipation of an

L-level block architecture (which each hardware instance

operating at the same speed as the serial architecture) is

given by

Ppar = LCLV 2d d f (30)

where LCL is the L-fold increase in switching capaci-

tance due to hardware replication. The throughput of this

parallel architecture is L times greater than that of the

serial architecture and hence it is possible to scale V d d

and the operating frequency f by a factor of L so that the

overall throughput of the parallel and the serial architec-

tures are the same. This results in the following power

dissipation for the parallel architecture:

Ppar =CLV 2

d d f


which is L2 times lower than that of the serial architec-

ture. Both Eqs. (30) and (31) do not include the overhead

capacitance due to serial-to-parallel converters, parallel-

to-serial converters, and the routing overhead.

Systematic techniques for parallelizing serial digi-

tal ® lter architectures have been proposed in Refs. [15,

16, 11]. An L-level parallel architecture (see Fig. 16) has

L outputs y(kL), y(kL + 1), . . . , y(kL + L ± 1) that need

to be computed. As shown in Fig. 16, the delays in a

block architecture are L-slow, i.e., each clock tick will

result in one block delay (or L sample delays). Deriv-

Fig. 16. A general parallel architecture indicating 1-slow and L-slow

blocks, which operate at sample rate and 1/ Lth of sample rate, respec-


ing an L-level parallel architecture for an FIR ® lter is

quite straightforward as shown in Fig. 17A, where an L

= 2 level parallel architecture is shown for the following

serial algorithm:

y(n) = a0x(n)+ a1x(n ± 1)+ a2x(n ± 2)+ a3x(n ± 3) (32)

The architecture in Fig. 17A can be obtained by substi-

tuting n = 2k (for even output samples) and n = 2k + 1

(for odd output samples) in Eq. (32). Note that hardware

replication is clearly visible in Fig. 17A.

We now consider parallelizing IIR digital ® lters,

which is nontrivial. This is because an L-level parallel

IIR ® lter of order N (i.e., with N states) requires L out-

puts to be computed and N states to be updated in every

L-slow clock cycle. Given the L-slow restriction on the

delays and the fact that each of the state updates requires

N past states (and inputs), there exists numerous ways in

which the update can be done. A straightforward man-

ner in which an IIR block ® lter can be realized is to

recursively compute all the elements of the present block

state vector in terms of the past block state vectors. This

results in a parallel direct form ® lter. Consider the fol-

lowing recursive algorithm:

y(n) = ax(n) + by(n ± 1) (33)

Parallelizing Eq. (33) by a level L = 3 requires the com-

putation of the next block of outputs / states [ y(3k + 5),

y(3k + 4), y(3k + 3)] in terms of the current block

[ y(3k + 2), y(3k + 1), y(3k)]. Equation (33) indicates

that the state y(3k + 5) (in the previous block) can be

computed from y(3k) (in the current block). This is done

by writing a three-step clustered look-ahead form of (33)

as shown below:

y(n) = ax(n) + abx(n ± 1) + b2ax(n ± 2)

+ b3y(n ± 3) (34)

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Fig. 17. Parallel architectures: (a) a parallel FIR ® lter with L = 2, N = 3, (b) a parallel direct-form block IIR ® lter with L = 3, N = 1, (c) an

incremental parallel direct form IIR ® lter with L = 3, N = 1, and (d) a pipelined incremental parallel direct form IIR ® lter with L = 3, N = 1, and

M = 2.

and then substituting n = 3k + 5, 3k + 4, 3k + 2 to obtain

the architecture in Fig. 17B. Given that the complexity of

an M -level pipelined clustered look-ahead ® lter is (2N +

M ), it can be shown that the complexity of parallel direct

form ® lters is O(L2).

This square dependence on the block-size L can

be reduced to a linear dependence if only min(L, N )

states are computed recursively and the remaining | L ±N | states are computed nonrecursively or incrementally

from the present states. This gives rise to the incremen-

tal parallel direct form ® lter shown in Fig. 17C, where

we see that ® lter state y(3k + 3) (from the next block)

is updated via y(3k) (of the current block), while state

y(3k + 1) is computed from y(3k) and y(3k + 2) is com-

puted from y(3k + 1), incrementally. Due to the 3 ± slow

delays, the N = 1 state is updated recursively while

2 states are updated nonrecursively / incrementally. The

complexity of the parallel incremental direct form ® lter

is linear in the block size for L > N .

One could combine the ideas of pipelining and

block processing to come up with a pipelined incre-

mental parallel ® lter, whereby a speedup of LM can be

achieved by choosing a block size of L and a pipelining

level of M . In the example being discussed, a structure

with L = 3 and M = 2 can be derived (see Fig. 17D) by

updating the state y(3k + 6) in terms of state y(3k). In

addition, the states y(3k + 1) and y(3k + 2) are updated

incrementally as in Fig. 17C. The complexity of such

a ® lter is known to be linear in the block size L, and

logarithmic in the pipelining level M .

We now consider parallel algorithms which have

been proposed for adaptive ® lters [34±36]. The serial

adaptive ® lter is described via Eq. (27), where a coef® -

cient vector W(n) is updated by ® rst calculating an error

value e(n) and then adding a correction term l e(n)X(n)

to the current coef® cient vector W(n ± 1). The parallel

algorithm in Ref. [34] adapts the coef® cient vector W(n)

once per block of output samples, i.e., the update is done

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once in L samples. It has been shown [34] that if the step

size of the parallel ® lter l B = L l ( l is the step size of

the serial ® lter), then the parallel and serial ® lters have

the same adaptation accuracy and convergence speed. In

short, the parallel ® lter in Ref. [34] updates at a rate L

times lower than the serial ® lter, but each update step is

L times larger than that of the serial ® lter.

The parallel algorithm in Ref. [34] is suited for a

stationary or a slowly varying (as compared to the block

length) environment. In case of a nonstationary environ-

ment, there is a need to update the coef® cients every

sample period. This is achieved by the parallel algorithm

in Ref. [36], which was applied to a decision feedback

equalizer. The architecture [36] employs L parallel adap-

tive ® lters each operating on nonoverlapping blocks of

data vectors and employing Eq. (27) to do so. Given the

nature of Eq. (27), it is clear that the ® lters which oper-

ate on input blocks that are later in time will have to

start with wrong initial conditions. The effects of wrong

initial conditions are then corrected once the end of the

data block has been reached. Note that this problem is

not present in pipelined adaptive ® lters (described in the

previous subsection) as these ® lters adapt at the sample

rate and with the correct initial conditions.

In the next section we present a related algo-

rithm transformation known as unfolding that enables

high-throughp ut processing. While parallel and pipelined

architectures reduce the IP and IPB for dedicated imple-

mentations, the unfolding technique is capable of reduc-

ing the IP down to the IPB (without altering the latter)

for multiprocessor implementations.

3.6. Unfolding

The origins of the unfolding technique are in the

compiler theory where it is also referred to as software

pipelining. The unfolding technique [20, 21] was pro-

posed in the 1980s as a method to match the widely dif-

fering sample rates in DSP systems. Unfolding is a pow-

erful technique in the context of multiprocessor imple-

mentations of DSP algorithms, for generating schedules

that have an IP equal to the IPB of the original DFG. For

dedicated implementations, the unfolding technique has

been employed [20, 21] to design digit-serial arithmetic

architectures from bit-serial ones.

The unfolding technique [20, 21] accepts a DFG and

generates another DFG by unfolding or exposing J itera-

tions of the original DFG, where J is the unfolding factor.

The unfolding algorithm has the following steps [21]:

1. For each node u in the original DFG, create J

instances labeled as u0, u1, . . . , uJ ± 1 .

2. For each arc u ± ± > v in the original DFG with

no delay (or zero weight), create arcs uq ± ± > vq

for q = 0, . . . , J ± 1.

3. For each arc u ± ± > v in the original DFG with

i delays (or a weight of i), do step 3.1 if i < j;

otherwise do step 3.2.

3.1. Draw arcs uJ ± i+q ± ± > vq with one delay for

q = 0, . . . , i ± 1. Draw uq ± i ± ± > vq with no

delays for q = i, . . . , J ± 1.

3.2. Draw arcs u é (i ± q)/ J ù J ± i+q ± ± > vq with é (i ±q)/J ù delays for q = 0, . . . J ± 1.

Step 1 creates J instances of each node, while Steps 2

and 3 specify the method to connect these nodes. For

example, the DFG in Fig. 18A has an IPB = (tA + tB)/3

and it produces one sample per IPB assuming uniform

pipelining. A J = 2 unfolded DFG (J is referred to as the

unfolding factor) in Fig. 18B produces two samples in

IPB = (2tA + 2tB)/3 time units. Therefore, unfolding does

not increase the throughput for dedicated applications.

However, the unfolded architecture in Fig. 18B exposes

interiteration precedence, which reduces the IP of mul-

tiprocessor schedules. In fact, it can be shown that [8]

unfolding by a factor J opt , where Jopt is the least com-

mon multiple (LCM) of all the loop delays, results in

multiprocessor schedules with IP = IPB. This can be eas-

ily checked for the example in Fig. 18A, where J opt =3. Unfolding this DFG with a factor of 3 will result in

three decoupled loops all with one delay. DFGs with sin-

gle delay loops are also called perfect-rate DFG because

these can be scheduled with an IP = IPB. In this sec-

tion, we will focus upon another application of unfold-

ing, which is to systematically generate digit-serial arith-


Consider an HDFG where the nodes represent bit-

parallel operations executed by ripple-carry hardware

operators, whereby one sample of word length B bits is

Fig. 18. Unfolding transformation : (A) the original DFG and (B) a

2-unfolded DFG.

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processed in one clock cycle. Therefore, the clock period

T clk is a function of the number of bits being processed B

and the time it takes to process 1 bit tb plus some design

margin plus overhead t0 as indicated below:

T c lk = t0 + Btb (35)

From Eq. (35), it is clear that there is no fundamental

reason why one cannot process J < B bits per clock cycle

with a clock period of

T c lk = t0 + J tb (36)

and take B /J (assuming J is a multiple of B) clock cycles

to compute one sample of the output. In a similar fash-

ion, the area of such an operator is given by

A = a0 + Jab (37)

where a0 is the overhead term and ab is the area con-

sumed by 1 bit. Typical values of t0 = 8tb and a0 =4ab have been observed [20] in practice. From Eqs. (36)

and (37) it is clear that reducing J results in a reduction

in area A and an increase in the clock rate. This type

of computation is referred to as digit-serial computation

with a digit size of J bits. When J = 1 and J = B, we

obtain the well-known bit-serial and bit-parallel com-

putations, respectively. From Eq. (36), the time taken to

compute 1 B-bit output sample (i.e., the sample period

T s) is given by

T s =B

J(t0 + J tb) (38)

Equation (38) indicates that the throughput (or sample

rate) increases linearly with J for small values of J and

from Eq. (37) we ® nd that the area increases linearly

with J . Hence, it can be shown [20] that the area-delay

product ATs is minimized when J = Ö a0 t0 /ab tb , which

is approximately 5 to 6 bits for the typical values of a0

and t0 mentioned above. In any case, Eq. (38) implies

that any digit-serial architecture will necessarily have a

lower achievable sample rate than a bit-parallel architec-


An example of unfolding to generate a J = 2 digit-

serial architecture from a bit-serial architecture is shown

in Fig. 19. If the precision requirements of the algorithm

are more than 6 to 8 bits (which is typical) and one

wishes to operate with an ATs optimal digit size without

losing throughput, then one can unfold the DFG itself. Say

Fig. 19. Unfolding of a bit-serial adder.

B = 12 bits and the digit is equal to J = 2. Then we can

gain the lost throughput due to digit serial processing by

unfolding the DFG by a factor of 2 (as done in Fig. 18) so

that two digits of two consecutive outputs are produced in

one clock cycle. This means that two complete output sam-

ples will be generated at the end of two clock cycles or one

complete output sample in one clock cycle.

Note that the folding technique to be described in

the next subsection is in fact related to the unfolding

technique and can be thought of as being the inverse

of each other. There is one difference between the two:

while unfolding results in a unique unfolded architecture,

folding is a one-to-many mapping.

3.7. Folding

In systems where the sample period T s is much

larger than the computational delay of the hardware

units, it is possible to map multiple algorithmic DFG

nodes onto one HDFG node. In such cases, there exist

many such mappings and one requires a systematic tech-

nique to synthesize the HDFG. This process of synthe-

sizing an HDFG from an algorithmic DFG is known

as high-level synthesis [37], and a comprehensive body

of knowledge in this area has been developed since the

early 1980s. In particular, systematic techniques for map-

ping regular algorithmic DFGs to systolic array architec-

tures [38±40] have been developed. Commercial CAD

tools are in the process of incorporating some of these

techniques in recognition of the fact that design com-

plexity is exploding and system-level design exploration

(via high-level synthesis tools) has become more or less

mandatory. The main reason for employing folding is

to reduce area. However, the power dissipation of the

resulting folded architecture depends on the manner in

which the algorithmic operations are actually folded.

This is because the average transition probability P0 ± ± >1

in the folded architecture depends upon the input signal

statistics and the folding scheme.

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The examples in Fig. 20 illustrate the principle

behind folding. In Fig. 20A, two identical operations

(A) in the algorithmic DFG are computed with different

inputs ((a, b) and (c, d)). It is, therefore, possible to map

these two operations onto one hardware unit as shown

on the right in Fig. 20A, assuming that the speed of the

hardware unit permits this. Another example of folding

is shown in Fig. 20B, which is applicable only to ® ltering

operations done on independent data streams x1(n) and

x2(n). In that case, the HDFG on the right in Fig. 20B

implements the identical hardware but with all delays

scaled up by a factor of 2. This creates additional delays

that can be retimed so that the HDFG on the right in Fig.

20B can meet the throughput requirements. Such a sce-

nario exists in the digital front end of a software radio

located at a base station [4], where multiple receivers are

located and identical processing is executed on indepen-

dent data streams. It can be seen from Fig. 20 that fold-

ing always entails an interconnection overhead due to

the presence of multiplexers and counters/ control units.

For DSP applications, this overhead is very small as the

original DFG itself is very regular.

From the example above it can be seen that the fold-

ing transformation is related to high-level synthesis and

hence we will brie¯ y describe the key components of

high-level synthesis. Any high-level synthesis algorithm

consists of two major interdependent steps: resource

allocation /binding and scheduling [41]. Resource allo-

cation algorithms determine which of the algorithmic

DFG nodes need to be mapped to a node in the HDFG.

Scheduling algorithms determine the time step in which

a particular algorithmic DFG node needs to be assigned

Fig. 20. Folding of independent data streams: (A) a general example

and (B) a ® lter.

to an HDFG. For example, in Fig. 20B, it was deter-

mined that all DFG nodes will be mapped to one HDFG

node and that operations corresponding to x1(n) will be

executed in time step 0 and those corresponding to x2(n)

will be executed in time step 1. Clearly, these two steps

are interrelated because if the resource allocation step

assigns fewer hardware resources, then the scheduling

algorithm will necessarily result in a longer schedule.

DSP algorithms are nonterminating programs (i.e.,

the input is a never-ending stream of data) with an IP

equal to the sample period. Let K be the number of

algorithmic operations mapped onto one hardware unit.

In that case, we divide the sample period T s into K

time steps. The process of high-level synthesis for DSP

algorithms involves assigning speci® c DFG operations

to each time step (scheduling) and to a speci® c hardware

unit (resource allocation). Once scheduling and resource

allocation have been accomplished what remains is

to synthesize the interconnection network between the

hardware units and the control circuits as shown in Fig.

20. The folding transformation [19] accomplishes this in

a systematic manner. The folding technique requires the

speci® cation of folding sets, which is a set S of ordered

pairs (H i , U i), where H i is the hardware unit and U i

is the time unit to which the algorithmic DFG node i

has been mapped. The folding set is then the result of

resource allocation and scheduling. Clearly, the cardinal-

ity of set S equals the number of nodes in the algorithmic

DFG. For example, in Fig. 20B, the folding set is given

by {(H 0, 0), (H0 , 1)}, where we have denoted the hard-

ware unit by H 0 and the algorithmic operation by the


Consider algorithmic nodes u and v shown at the

top of Fig. 21. Assume these to be distinct and that these

need to be mapped to an HDFG that may have pipelined

hardware modules. This is indicated by the dotted lines

Fig. 21. The folding equation.

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in the bottom part of Fig. 21, where Hu is the hardware

unit and Pu is the number of delays employed to pipe-

line it. A similar description applies to Hv . The pipelin-

ing delays Pu and Pv in Fig. 21 are not dependent on the

algorithmic DFG but instead are a property of the library

from which we expect to construct the hardware. Hence,

the block diagram in the bottom of Fig. 21 operates as

follows: In the lth iteration of the algorithmic DFG and

in time partition tu (or the K l + tu clock cycle), the hard-

ware module Hu accepts the input of node u. The result

of the computation of Hu appears after a delay of Pu

clock cycles in cycle number K l + tu + Pu . This result

is needed by Hv to compute the K (l + i)th iteration

of the DFG in time partition tv or clock cycle number

K (l + i) + tv . Clearly, the delays Pu and the time parti-

tion tu should be such that the result computed by Hu

is indeed available at the correct time partition and after

i sample delays. This can be achieved by assigning the

following value to the folded arc delay DF (u ± ± >v),

DF (u ± ± > v) = K (l + i) + tv ± (K l + tu + Pu)

= K i ± Pu + tv ± tu (39)

While tu and tv are obtained via scheduling, and Pu

and Pv are library dependent, the designer can determine

DF (u ± ± >v) from Eq. (39) to satisfy this constraint. Note

that it is entirely possible for Eq. (39) to result in a neg-

ative value for DF (u ± ± >v), especially if the pipelining

level Pu is high. However, this is not a problem because

the timing relationship is not altered if q K delays are

added to the right-hand side of Eq. (39). This is equiva-

lent to adding an additional q sample delays to the algo-

rithmic DFG shown at the top in Fig. 21. However, if this

arc is present inside a loop, then one needs to remove q K

folded delays from some other arc in the loop. This and

another restriction that applies to arcs on parallel paths

are suf® cient to guarantee that all the folded arc delays

are nonnegative and the folded architecture is a correct

implementation of the algorithmic DFG.

Consider the example of folding a 4-tap FIR ® l-

ter shown at the top in Fig. 22, where the operations

enclosed within the dashed lines are mapped to differ-

ent processors. The algorithmic DFG has four multipli-

cations while the HDFG has two multipliers indicating

that the folding factor K = 2 for this example. The HDFG

is shown in the bottom of Fig. 22, where we see the

unpipelined (Pm = 0 and Pa = 0) hardware multipliers

and adders. In time partition 0, multiplication with coef-

® cients a and b is executed while multiplication with

Fig. 22. Example of folding.

c and d is executed in time partition 1. The overheads

for this folding set are the four multiplexers, the 1 bit

counter, the additional latch, and the switch. Note that

the assumption here is that the unpipelined multipliers

can operate at least twice the sample rate of the input.

This depends on the technology and the arithmetic style.

There is an interesting relationship between unfold-

ing and folding. A DFG folded by a factor of K and

then unfolded by a factor of J with K = J will result

in a ® nal DFG that is a retimed and pipelined version

of the original DFG. The pipelining effect arises from

the fact that we are free to add multiples of K delays

to Eq. (39). The retiming effect is due to the restrictions

mentioned in the previous paragraph, which requires us

to add / remove q K delays from arcs in a loop. Employ-

ing Eq. (39), it has been shown that retiming is a special

case of scheduling [26]. These results can be extended

to multiple implementation styles (different digit sizes)

and multiple clocks, which the interested reader can ® nd

in Ref. [19].

3.8. Algebraic Transformations

Algebraic transformations [17] seek to exploit the

fact that digital ® ltering is equivalent to polynomia l mul-

tiplication in order to create inherent concurrencies in the

DFG. In this subsection we will describe some of these


Two simple algebraic transformations are asso-

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ciativity and distributivity , which can be employed to

remove DFG nodes from recursive loops. For example,

consider the ® rst-order recursion,

y(n) = x(n) + ay(n ± 1) (40)

Application of a two-step look-ahead [11] results in the

following steps:

y(n) = x(n) + a[x(n ± 1) + ay(n ± 2)] (41)

= x(n) + ax(n ± 1) + a[ay(n ± 2)] (42)

= x(n) + ax(n ± 1) + (a2)y(n ± 2) (43)

where Eq. (42) is obtained via distributivity and Eq. (43)

is obtained via associativity. Note that Eq. (43) can be

obtained directly from the look-ahead (see Section 3.3)

pipelining technique. Common subexpression elimina-

tion (CSE) is another algebraic transformation technique

that can be employed to reduce the amount of hard-

ware required to implement multiple-output function. As

the name implies, the application of CSE involves iden-

tifying expressions that are common to different out-

puts and eliminating all instances except one. Common

subexpression replication (CSR) brings about the oppo-

site transformation as compared to CSE. The desired

result in applying CSR is to reduce the critical path

length of the DFG.

In this section we will present in detail an algebraic

transformation technique referred to as strength reduc-

tion [9, 14], which has proved to be quite useful in many

signal processing applications. Consider the problem of

computing the product of two complex numbers (a + jb)

and (c + jd) as shown below:

(a + jb)(c + j d) = (ac ± bd) + j(ad + bc) (44)

From Eq. (44) a direct-mapped architectural implemen-

tation would require a total of four real multiplications

and two real additions to compute the complex prod-

uct. However, it is possible to reduce this complexity via

strength reduction [9, 14]. Application of strength reduc-

tion involves reformulating Eq. (44) as follows:

(a ± b)d + a(c ± d) = ac ± bd

(a ± b)d + b(c + d) = ad + bc (45)

As can be seen from Eq. (45), the number of real mul-

tiplications is three and the number of additions is ® ve.

Therefore, this form of strength reduction reduces the

number of multipliers by one at the expense of three

additional adders. Typically, multiplications are more

expensive than additions and hence we achieve an over-

all savings in hardware.

The output of the F ® ltering block in an LMS algo-

rithm (see Eq. (27)) can be written as

y(n) = WT(n ± 1)X(n) (46)

Clearly, if the input X(n) and the ® lter W(n) are com-

plex quantities, then we can apply the strength reduc-

tion transformation (45) to the polynom ial multiplication

in Eq. (46) to obtain a low-power architecture. Such an

architecture would be useful in communication systems

employing two-dimensional modulation schemes such as

quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and carrierless

amplitude /phase (CAP) modulation [46]. These schemes

employ a two-dimensional signal constallation, which

can be represented as a complex signal. If a complex

® lter is to be implemented, then we can represent its

output as a complex polynom ial product. Furthermore,

if the transformation in Eq. (45) is employed, then we

would need only three real ® lters (instead of four as in

Eq. (44)). Each real ® lter requires N multiplications and

N ± 1 additions. Therefore, the application of the pro-

posed transformation in Eq. (45) would then save a sub-

stantial amount of hardware.

Let the ® lter input be a complex signal ÄX(n) de® ned


ÄX(n) = Xr (n) + jXi(n) (47)

where Xr (n) and Xi(n) are the real and imaginary parts,

respectively. Furthermore, if the ® lter is also complex,

i.e., ÄW(n) = C (n) + jD(n), then its output Äy(n) can be

obtained as follows:

Äy(n) = ÄWH

(n ± 1) ÄX(n)

= [CT

(n ± 1) ± jDT

(n ± 1)][Xr (n) + jXi(n)]

= [CT(n ± 1)Xr (n) + DT

(n ± 1)Xi(n)]

+ j[CT(n ± 1)Xi(n) ± DT

(n ± 1)Xr(n)]

= yr(n) + jyi(n) (48)

where ÄWH

represents the Hermitian (transpose and com-

plex conjugate) of the matrix ÄW. A direct implemen-

tation of Eq. (48) results in the traditional cross-cou-

pled structure shown in Fig. 23A. This structure requires

four FIR ® lters and two output adders, which amounts to

4N ± 2 adders and 4N multipliers. If the channel impair-

ments include severe ISI and /or multipath, which is the

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Fig. 23. The cross-coupled equalizer structure: (A) the F block and (B) the WUD block.

case in mobile wireless, then the number of taps neces-

sary can be quite large, resulting in a high-complexity

and high-power dissipation.

In the adaptive case, a weight-update block (or

WUD block) would be needed to automatically compute

the coef® cients of the ® lter. This can be done by imple-

menting a complex version of Eq. (27) as follows:

ÄW(n) = ÄW(n ± 1) + l Äe*(n) ÄX(n) (49)

where Äe(n) = er (n) + jei(n), er (n) = Q[ yr(n)] ± yr (n), ei(n)

= Q[ yi(n)] ± yi(n), Q[.] is the output of the slicer, and Äe*

represents the complex conjugate of Äe. Next, we substi-

tute these de® nitions of ÄW(n), Äe(n) and ÄX(n) into Eq.

(49) to obtain the following two real update equations:

C (n) = C (n ± 1) + l [er(n)Xr (n) + ei(n)Xi(n)] (50)

D(n) = D(n ± 1) + l [er(n)Xi(n) ± ei(n)Xr(n)] (51)

The WUD-block architecture for computing Eqs. (50)±

(51) is shown in Fig. 23B. It is clear that the hardware

requirements are 4N + 2 adders and 4N multipliers for

an N -tap two-dimensional ® lter.

Observing Eqs. (48)±(49) it is clear that strength

reduction transformation (Eq. (45)) can be applied to the

two complex multiplications present in them. We will see

that this application of the transformation at the algo-

rithmic level is much more effective in reducing power

as opposed to an architectural-level application. Apply-

ing the proposed transformation to Eq. (48) ® rst, we


Äy(n) = ÄWH

(n ± 1) ÄX(n) = ÄXT

(n) ÄW*(n ± 1)

= [XTr (n) + jXT

i (n)][C (n ± 1) ± jD(n ± 1)]

= [ y1(n) + y3(n)] + j[ y2(n) + y3(n)] (52)


y1(n) = [CT(n ± 1) + DT

(n ± 1)]Xr (n)

= CT1 (n ± 1)Xr (n) (53)

y2(n) = [CT(n ± 1) ± DT

(n ± 1)]Xi(n)

= DT1 (n ± 1)Xi(n) (54)

y3(n) = ± DT(n ± 1)[Xr (n) ± Xi(n)]

= ± DT(n ± 1)X1(n) (55)

where X1(n) = Xr (n) ± Xi(n), C1(n) = C (n) + D(n), and

D1(n) = C (n) ± D(n). The proposed architecture (see

Fig. 24A) requires three ® lters and two output adders.

This corresponds to 4N adders and 3N multipliers, which

is approximately a 25% reduction in the hardware as

compared with the traditional structure (see Fig. 23A).

It, therefore, represents an attractive alternative from a

VLSI perspective.

We now consider the adaptive version and speci® -

cally analyze the WUD block. From Eqs. (53)±(55) and

Fig. 24A, it seems that an ef® cient architecture may

result if C1(n ± 1) = [C (n ± 1) + D(n ± 1)] and D1(n ± 1)

= [C (n ± 1) ± D(n ± 1)] are adapted instead of C (n ± 1)

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Fig. 24. The strength-reduce d equalizer structure: (A) the F block and (B) the WUD block.

and D(n ± 1). In order to see if this is the case, we will

derive the update equation for C1(n ± 1) and D1(n ± 1)


Adding Eq. (50) to Eq. (51), we obtain the update

equation for C1(n ± 1) as follows:

C1(n) = C1(n ± 1) + l [er (n)(Xr (n) + Xi(n))

± ei(n)(Xr(n) ± Xi(n))] (56)

In a similar fashion, subtracting Eq. (51) from Eq. (50)

provides us with the corresponding equation for updating

D1(n ± 1)] as follows:

D1(n) = D1(n ± 1) + l [er(n)(Xr(n) ± Xi(n))

+ ei(n)(Xr (n) + Xi(n))] (57)

It is now easy to show that Eqs. (56) and (57) can be

written in the following complex form:

ÄW1(n) = ÄW1(n ± 1) + l Äe(n)[(Xr(n) + Xi(n))

+ j(Xr(n) ± Xi(n))] (58)

where ÄW1(n) = C1(n) + jD1(n). We can now apply the

strength reduction transformation to the complex product

in Eq. (58) to obtain a low-power WUD architecture.

Doing so results in the following set of equations, which

describe the strength-reduced WUD block:

ÄW1(n) = ÄW1(n ± 1) + l [eX1(n) + eX3(n)

+ j(eX2(n) + eX3(n))] (59)


eX1(n) = 2er (n)Xi(n) (60)

eX2(n) = 2ei(n)Xr (n) (61)

eX3(n) = [er(n) ± ei(n)][Xr (n) ± Xi(n)]

= e1(n)X1(n) (62)

where e1(n) = er (n) ± ei(n) and X1(n) = Xr (n) ± Xi(n).

The architecture corresponding to Eq. (59) and Eqs.

(60)±(62) is shown in Fig. 24B. It can be seen that this

WUD architecture requires only 3N multipliers and 4N

+ 3 adders. Thus, the number of multipliers is reduced

by one fourth at the expense of an additional adder as

compared to the traditional WUD architecture (see Fig.


Combining the architecture for the F block in Fig.

24A and that for the WUD block in Fig. 24B, we obtain

the proposed strength-reduced low-power adaptive ® lter

architecture in Fig. 25. A complete description of the

low-power adaptive ® lter architecture is given by Eqs.

(52±55) and (59±62). In Fig. 25, we show the overall

block diagram of the adaptive ® lter, where FR block

and WUDR block compute Eqs. (53) and (60), respec-

tively. Similarly, FI block and WUDI block compute

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Fig. 25. The strength-reduc ed equalizer block diagram.

Eqs. (54) and (61), respectively. Furthermore, the FRI

and WUDRI blocks compute Eqs. (55) and (62). Note

that in Fig. 24A, we have separated the slicer and the

error computation adders from the WUDR and WUDI

blocks. This is done only to depict the error feedback

loop clearly.

The performance of the strength-reduced low-

power adaptive ® lter architecture has been studied [14]

in a 51.84 Mb / s over 100 meters of unshielded twisted-

pair (UTP3) ATM-LAN [46] employing a CAP-QAM

modulation scheme. Finite-precision analysis of this

structure has indicated that the F block in the strength-

reduced structure requires at most 1 additional bit, while

the WUD block requires 1 less bit than the traditional

cross-coupled structure. This clearly indicates that the

strength-reduced structure [14] should be the architec-

ture of choice when implementing complex ® lters. Many

wireless receivers employ two-dimensional modulation

schemes, which require complex ® ltering in the base-

band. In such cases, the proposed strength-reduced adap-

tive ® lter will have a direct application.



We refer to the algorithm transformations described

in Section 3 as static algorithm transformations (SAT),

because these are applied during the algorithm design

phase assuming a worst-case scenario and their imple-

mentation is time invariant. Most real-life signal environ-

ments are nonstationary and hence signi® cant power sav-

ings can be expected if the algorithm and architecture can

be dynamically tailored to the input. This gives rise to

the general concept of data-driven signal processing [42],

where the algorithm workload [43] and the voltage supply

are varied in real time to optim ize the power dissipation.

In this section, we present dynamic algorithm trans-

formations (DAT) [22] as another approach to data-

driven signal processing, whereby the theoretical power-

optimum signal processing architecture is ® rst deter-

mined and then practical methods to realize this optim um

are developed. Since adaptive ® lters [44] are inherently

data-driven ® lters, it is quite natural to develop DAT

techniques for these ® lters. We calculate the power-opti-

mum adaptive ® lter con® guration and then propose the

DAT-based structure shown in Fig. 26 to approach this

optimum. The system in Fig. 26 consists of two major

blocks: the signal processing algorithm (SPA) block and

the signal monitoring algorithm (SMA) block. The SPA

block implements the main signal processing function,

which would vary over time. The SMA block decides

the instant and the extent of change to the SPA block

so as to optimize a circuit performance measure such as

power dissipation while maintaining the algorithm per-

formance such as the mean-squared error.

Simulation results have been shown [22] that illus-

trate the performance of the proposed DAT-based ® lter

when employed as a near-end cross-talk (NEXT) can-

celler in 155.52 Mb / s ATM-LAN [46] over category

3 wiring. These results indicate that the power savings

for a NEXT canceller range from 21% to 62% as the

cable length varies from 70 meters to 100 meters. For

mobile wireless systems, the channel variation is sub-

stantial due to fading effects [48] and hence DAT-based

receiver structures would be bene® cial and quite chal-

lenging to design.

Fig. 26. Dynamic algorithm transformation (DAT): a general frame-


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4.1. Hardware Models

In computing the optimum con® guration, we will

assume that in an N -tap adaptive ® lter, any ® lter tap can

be powered up or down (and not just the trailing / leading

taps [43, 49]). This feature can be algorithmically charac-

terized by de® ning control signals, a i Î {0, 1}, i = 1, . . .

N , for each of the ® lter taps. Here, a i = 0 implies that the

tap has been powered down and a i =1 implies that it is not

powered down. The power dissipation PD for this adaptive

® lter can be obtained from Eq. (8) as follows:

PD =1N

åi =1

a i 1M

åj = 1

Pi jC j 2 + PohCoh 2 V2d d f s (63)

where M is the number of the hardware units in each tap,

C j is the average switching capacitance for jth hardware

unit in any tap, and Coh is the overhead capacitance not

considered in C j ’ s. Also, Pi j is the average probability

P0 ± ± >1 at the output of the j th unit in the ith tap, and Poh

is the average probability P0 ± ± >1 for the overhead capac-

itance Coh .

In order to simplify the problem and to come up

with practical SMA strategies, we will assume through-

out this paper that the input signal x(n) is uncorrelated.

We will see later that the SMA strategies resulting from

this assumption are simple enough to be implemented

and also result in substantial power savings in the gen-

eral case where x(n) is colored.

It can be shown that the power dissipation of a Bx ´Bc bit multiplier, which multiplies a Bx bit uncorrelated

input x(n) with a Bc bit coef® cient wk , is given by

Pm = Bx é log2( | wk | ) ù CbV2d d f s (64)

where Cb is the switching capacitance of a primitive

block of the array. Note that the term Bx é log2( | wk | ) ù rep-

resents the number of primitive blocks in the multiplier

that are needed to perform the multiplication.

4.2. Algorithm Performance

The mean square error (MSE) can be formulated

for the given set of a i ’ s. The output error of the LMS

adaptive ® lter (see Eq. (27)) can be written as

e(n) = d(n) ±N

åi = 1

a iw ix(n ± i + 1) (65)

where wi and xn ± i + 1) is the coef® cient and input signal

for ith tap. For an uncorrelated /white input x(n), it can

be shown that [44] the minimum MSE (Jmin) is given by

Jmin = r2d ±


åi = 1

a i | w i |2r(0) (66)

where r 2d and r(0) is the energy in the desired signal d(n)

and input signal x(n), respectively.

4.3. Joint Optimization

From Eq. (66), we note that powering down taps

with small values of wk results in a small increase in

J min , which is desirable. However, from Eq. (64), we

also see that a tap with a small value of wk consumes

lesser power as well and hence powering down such a

tap will not provide substantial power savings. Clearly,

the power-optimum con® guration will be the one that

powers down those taps which result in maximal power

savings and at the same time result in a Jmin, which is

less than a desired, value Jo . This is formally stated as

mina i , i Î {1, ´´́ , N}

N ± 1

åi = 0

a i é log2( | w i | ) ù

s.t.N ± 1

åi =0

a i | w i |2r(0) > r

2d ± Jo (67)

where a i Î {0, 1} and Jo is the desired value of MSE

dictated by the application. Note that Eq. (67) assumes

that the multipliers in Eq. (27) are powered down after

the adaptive ® lter has converged, an assumption that is

usually true in practice. The optimization problem in Eq.

(67) can be solved via standard mixed integer linear pro-

gramming (ILP) approaches. In the next section we will

present practical SMA strategies that approach the solu-

tion of Eq. (67).

If input statistics are ignored, then the objective

function in Eq. (67) reduces to å a i . Minimization of

å a i is equivalent to powering down the maximum

number of taps in the ® lter subject to the constraint in

Eq. (67).

4.4. SMA Strategy 1

In this subsection we will present an algorithm

for dynamically controlling the a k ’ s while maintaining

J (n) < J o and reaching the min PD solution.

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SMA Strategy 1

Step 1. Start with a k = 1, " k .

Step 2. Allow the adaptive ® lter to converge to the opti-

mum solution. Check Jmin , which is the con-

verged value of the MSE, E[e2(n)].

Step 3. If J min < J o , go to Step 3.1; otherwise, go to

Step 3.2.

3.1. Determine j such that | wo, j | = min{ | wo, k | ," k : a k = 1}. Assign a j = 0 and go to Step


3.2. Determine j such that | wo, j | = max{ | wo, k | ," k : a k = 0}. Assign a j = 1 and go to Step


Therefore, SMA Strategy 1 approaches the power-

optimum con® guration (obtained as a solution to Eq.

(67)) by assigning a k = 0 starting with coef® cients with

the lowest magnitude until the J min < Jo . Equivalently,

it minimizes å a i , thus achieving the solution of Eq.

(67) if the input signal statistics are not accounted for.

We should mention here that in the power-optimum con-

® guration some of the internal taps may also be powered

down, leading to nonuniformly spaced samples.

Other more sophisticated strategies are also pos-

sible, which result in a more complex SMA block but

with increased power savings in the SPA block. Thus,

there is a fundamental trade-off that can be explored

between SMA and SPA block complexities such that the

overall power dissipation is minimized.

4.5. Implementation of DAT-Based Adaptive Filter

We present architectural level implementation of the

DAT-based adaptive ® lter derived in the last section. Fig-

ure 27 shows the SPA block of the DAT-based adaptive

® lter, where each tap is enclosed in a dashed box and is

composed of two multiply-adds. The control signals, a k ’ s

are employed to force a static value of 0 into one of the

inputs of the ® ltering (F block) multipliers in the k th tap

if a k = 0. The signals b k ’ s in the weight-update (WUD)

block equal zero if either the ® lter has converged or the

tap is powered down ( a k = 0). For array multipliers, if one

of the inputs to the multipliers is zero, then the switching

power consumption of the multiplier is close to zero. Thus,

for a k =0, the F-block multiplier in tap k is powered down.

Similarly for b k = 0, the WUD-block multiplier in tap k is

powered down and the two inputs to the lower adder are

constant. Therefore, the switching activity for this adder

will also be zero. If needed, the latch in the weight update

block can be powered down by disabling the clock.

Fig. 27. The SPA architecture.

An abrupt power-down of a tap will cause the MSE

to increase suddenly. This can cause a burst of errors in a

practical application. It can be prevented if the taps are

powered down gradually such as by lowering the ini-

tial coef® cient wo, k to wo, k /2 and then to wo, k /4 for a

few samples before powering down the tap completely.

Another modi® cation to reduce undesirable glitching is

to employ a window rather than a single value in Step 3.

This implies that any value of Jmin Î [J o ± d , Jo] ( d > 0)

is considered acceptable. If Jmin < J o ± d , then coef® -

cients are powered down, and if Jmin > J o , then a tap is

powered up.

Efforts are currently underway to implement DAT-

based receivers for very high-speed digital subscriber

loops and ATM-LAN applications. Wireless channels are

particularly good candidates for DAT-based schemes due

to the inherent variabilities in the medium.


In this paper we have presented various algo-

rithm transformation techniques that can be employed to

design low-power and high-speed algorithms for DSP

and communications systems. These techniques are

applicable to the digital processing section of wireless

systems also. These transformations should be viewed

as a bridge between the domains of algorithm and

VLSI design. Transformations such as retiming [10],

look-ahead pipelining [11], folding [19], unfolding [20,

21], and strength reduction [14] preserve the input-

output behavior of the algorithm. However, transfor-

mations such as relaxed look-ahead [13] and dynamic

algorithm [22] modify the algorithm performance to

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obtain much superior power and speed advantages in the

VLSI domain. Application of algorithm transformations

requires a new breed of system designers who are con-

versant with both algorithmic and VLSI implementation

considerations so that joint optimization between these

two domains can be done.

While numerous algorithm transformations de-

scribed in this paper can be applied individually, a sys-

tematic methodology that enables a coherent applica-

tion of these transformations does not exist. Investigat-

ing this methodology is an important open problem given

the increasing complexity of systems being realized on

silicon. Development of such a methodology requires

that an integrated view of DSP, communications, and

VLSI be formed. This is the focus of the VLSI Infor-

mation Processing Systems (VIPS) group at the Univer-

sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Our ongoing work

includes (a) the development of an information-theo-

retic framework for VLSI, which will unveil the missing

design thread that links various levels of the design hier-

archy; (b) development of novel algorithm transforma-

tion techniques and application of them to design VLSI

systems for DSP and communications; and (c) develop-

ment of CAD tools that incorporate the results from (a)

and (b) so that a designer can architect a complex VLSI

system in a systematic manner.

In summary, the design of complex low-power and

high-speed VLSI systems requires a joint optimization

of algorithmic and VLSI parameters. Algorithm transfor-

mation techniques presented in this paper are an avenue

by which this joint optimization can be achieved.


The author would like to acknowledge the efforts

of Manish Goel and Raj Hegde in manuscript prepara-

tion. Financial support for this work was provided by

the National Science Foundation CAREER award MIP-



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Naresh R. Shanbhag received the B. Tech. degree from the

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, in 1988, and the

Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1993, all in elec-

trical engineering. From July 1993 to August 1995, he worked at

AT&T Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill in the Wide-Area Networks

Group, where he was responsible for development of VLSI algorithms,

architectures, and implementations for high-speed data communica-

tions applications. In particular, he was the lead chip architect for

AT&T’s 51.84 Mb / s transceiver chips over twisted-pair wiring for

asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)-LAN and broadband access chip

sets. In August 1995, he joined the Coordinated Science Laboratory

and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the Uni-

versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an assistant professor. His

research interests (see URL http: / / uivlsi.csl.uiuc.edu / Ä shanbhag) are in

the area of VLSI architectures and algorithms for signal processing and

communications . This includes the design of high-speed and / or low-

power algorithms for speech and video processing, adaptive ® ltering,

and high-bit-rate digital communications systems. In addition, he is

interested in ef ® cient VLSI implementation methodologies for these

applications. Dr. Shanbhag received the 1994 Darlington best paper

award from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, the National Sci-

ence Foundation CAREER Award in 1996, and is Director of the VLSI

Information Processing Systems (VIPS) Group at the University of Illi-

nois at Urbana-Champaign. Since July 1997, he has been appointed

as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

and as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Sys-

tems: Part II. He is the co-author of the research monograph Pipelined

Adaptive Digital Filters published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in


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