Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (2024)

Last Updated on February 15, 2024

Wondering what to do with those delicious spruce tips you foraged? Here are 25 inspiring spruce tip recipes to make the most of this ephemeral foraged food. Go gather up plenty of spruce tips and get ready to have some fun in the kitchen!

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (1)

Most of us don’t realize how much free food is growing all around us. Once you start to learn about foraging, you’ll discover that many common edible weeds and trees provide us with lots of delicious ingredients to add to our meals, snacks, and sweets.

Conifer trees are among the most surprising because so few of us have been taught they’re edible, yet they provide so many edible parts, whether it’s the needles in tea, flour made from inner bark, pollen, or in this case, the tender tips of new growth.

If you’re reading this too late in the season to find tender young spruce tips and you didn’t tuck any away in your freezer or refrigerator, you can still make spruce tea, which is a delicious medicinal brew you can forage all year round. It’s rich in vitamin C and is tasty hot or cold, and it’s a terrific cold remedy if you’re dealing with coughs or a respiratory infection. Here’s how to make spruce tea.


Part of the fun in foraging seasonal foods like spruce tips is finding them at just the right time. And then figuring out how to make the most of them while you’ve got the chance.

Keep an eye out for those first bits of bright green growth at the end of spruce tree branches. Different growing conditions will cause this to happen at slightly different times, so if you’re a little late getting your spruce tips from one tree, you might find less mature ones on a tree in a shadier spot.

You’ll see bright green needles at the end of the darker green branch (or bluish in the case of blue spruce). When you touch the tips, you’ll discover they’re soft and pliable in contrast to the harder, prickly needles of more mature spruce.

You may find very small spruce tips, less than an inch long and sometimes still encased in a brown papery wrapping, or later on you’ll see green tips up to two inches long and more unfurled. You’ll often find both on the same tree.

Pick the youngest, smallest spruce tips to get the most tender ingredients for your spruce tip recipes. Larger ones can work in cooked dishes but won’t be great raw.

It’s critical to know you’ve got the correct tree when foraging spruce tips, since some types of conifer are toxic, like the highly poisonous yew. Read more on identifying yew from Eat the Weeds, and always consult a good field guide when foraging a plant for the first time.

Here are some of the best foraging books I’ve found.

You can find more on correctly identifying spruce and foraging spruce tips here.

If you’re curious about other conifers you can forage, check out this tutorial on identifying spruce vs fir vs pine. Then try some tasty pine needle tea or pine needle syrup! Or if you’re feeling really adventurous, explore these options for using edible pine cones.

If you want to forage hundreds of plants with greater confidence, consider taking a foraging class, like the Herbal Academy’s online foraging course, to help you master plant identification and wildcrafting practices.
Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (2)

Different trees will have slightly different flavors, so sample tips from a variety of trees and choose your favorites. Some people favor blue spruce, while others prefer white or Norway.

CAUTION: As with all foraged foods you’re trying for the first time, take a small taste to start to check you don’t have a reaction. A small number of people may be allergic to spruce.


Because spruce tips aren’t around for very long, if you want to have fun trying different spruce tip recipes, collect a decent amount and store them until they’re needed. Remember not to overharvest any single tree, instead gathering smaller amounts from numerous trees.

Spruce tips will keep in the refrigerator in an airtight container for several weeks. You can freeze or dehydrate them if you want to store them longer. Pickling is another option for prolonging the shelf life of your spruce tips (recipes below).

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (3)


If you’ve gathered a lot of spruce tips, you might want to dry some with salt or sugar (recipes below) or pop some in the freezer to enjoy after the spruce tip season has passed.

Spruce tips can be used in so many recipes, from sweets to dinner recipes to co*cktails.

I like to use spruce tips on baked salmon, where they add a delicious herb-y flavor.

Chopped and sprinkled on salads they provide some unexpected citrusy notes. I topped my favorite wild rice salad with spruce tips, wild violet flowers, and homegrown chives. So good!

Some other ways to use spruce tips:

  • Sprinkle on green or grain salads
  • Add chopped spruce tips to homemade vinaigrettes
  • Toss into your favorite smoothies
  • Add to roasted vegetables, fish, or meat
  • Make spruce tip syrup (recipes below) and add to sparkling water or co*cktails
  • Chop spruce tips and add to baked goods like shortbread or scones

Though some people dry spruce tips for later use in tea and homemade cough syrups, I think since mature spruce works for these purposes, it makes more sense to enjoy your spruce tips fresh in spruce tip recipes like the ones below.

Ready to dive into some spruce-y deliciousness? Check out these incredible spruce tip recipes!

Note that when you make spruce tip syrup or vinegar, you get two spruce tip recipes for one. When you strain the spruce tips, keep both the spruce-infused liquid and the tips. Pickled spruce tips can be used as a tasty vegetable or garnish, while sweetened ones can be used in dessert recipes or dried to make spruce tip candy.


Some easy spruce tip recipes to preserve their ephemeral flavor:

One of the simplest ways to enjoy spruce tips in recipes is to make a simple spruce tip sugar for topping sweets or spruce tip salt for flavoring savory dishes. To do this, you can either first dry the spruce tips and then combine with sugar or salt, or combine with sugar or salt first and then dehydrate.

Spruce tip salt or spruce tip sugar instructions: Combine equal parts spruce tips with either sugar or coarse sea salt and pulse in a food processor till chopped fine and uniform. Spread evenly on parchment paper and dehydrate at 140 degrees (or your lowest oven temperature) for a few hours until fully dry. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Steeping spruce tips in vinegar is a delicious and versatile way to enjoy your spruce tips. Here’s how to make spruce tip vinegar from Bacon is Magic.

The Fermented Foodie uses honey and time to make honey fermented spruce tips. (The link to this recipe no longers appears to be active, but I’ll add in ad updated one if it resurfaces on the interwebs.)

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (4)

Spruce tip recipe photo credit: The Fermented Foodie

The Kitchen Frau explains how to make pickled spruce tips.

Spruce tip syrup is one of the most popular ways to use spruce tips. Forager Chef has a recipe for classic spruce tip syrup, which involves several months of steeping, as well as a shortcut version that yields a carmelized spruce tip syrup in a matter of hours. They both sound amazing!

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (5)

Spruce tip recipe photo credit: Forager Chef

More complex spruce tip recipes:

Try using spruce tips in a pesto recipe, like this vegan oil-free spruce tip pesto from Nutriplanet or this spruce tip pesto from Hilda’s Kitchen.

The Wild Garden makes a gorgeous green dip from spruce tip dip using dandelion-infused vinegar.

Forager Chef features spruce tips in this gorgeous dish of spring vegetables with spruce tips and lemon agrumato and in a Spruce Chocolate Mousse. (Say that five times fast!)

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (6)

Spruce tip recipe photo credit: Forager Chef

This pilaf with spruce tips from Food 52 looks divine.

You can add spruce tips to baked goods and other desserts, like this spruce tip shortbread or infused into cream for spruce tip panna cotta from Backyard Forager.

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (7)

Spruce tip recipe photo credit: Backyard Forager

Spruce tip ice cream is another popular way to enjoy the flavor of spruce tips. Try Forager Chef’s Spruce Tip Ice Cream or Learning and Yearning’s Spruce Tip Ice Cream. The recipes have some interesting differences. Try both and let me know what you think!

The Kitchen Frau has two intriguing spruce tip recipes: Citrus spruce tip salad and rhubarb and spruce tip galette.

Klaus K combines spruce tips with black currant, mint, rosemary, and lemon balm in his spruce tip herbal liqueur.

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (8)

Spruce tip recipe photo credit: Thais K

Spruce tip candy in birch syrup from First We Eat looks like an unusual way to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Grow Forage Cook Ferment shares a recipe for homemade spruce beer using spruce tips.

If you’re reading this outside spruce tips season, you can brew up some spruce tea with mature spruce you find and save these spruce tip recipes for next season!

Find more incredible ways to make the most of delicious foraged foods all year round by following my Pinterest foraging board. You’ll find information on foraging and using purslane,dandelions, mulberries, wild violets,creeping Charlie,Virginia waterleaf, elderflowers,juneberries, and many, many more.

Here are some additional wild food recipe collections that may interest you:

  • 16 Garlic Mustard Recipes
  • 25 Wild Violet Recipes
  • 35+ Genius Ways to Eat Dandelions
  • 30 Lambs Quarter Recipes
  • 25 Serviceberry Recipes to Try This Season
  • 15 Best Aronia Berry Recipes
  • 15 Delicious Mulberry Recipes

What are your favorite spruce tip recipes?

Pin to save these spruce tip recipes for later!

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (9)

Additional spruce tip recipes photo credit: Cover photo from Free Photos

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (10)


Susannah is a proud garden geek and energy nerd who loves healthy food and natural remedies. Her work has appeared in Mother Earth Living, Ensia, Northern Gardener, Sierra, and on numerous websites. Her first book, Everything Elderberry, released in September 2020 and has been a #1 new release in holistic medicine, naturopathy, herb gardening, and other categories. Find out more and grab your copy here.

Spruce Tip Recipes: 25 Inspiring Ways to Use Foraged Spruce Tips (2024)


What can you make from spruce tips? ›

Spruce tips have a distinct taste — citrus with a hint of resin. You can snack on them fresh or or add them to salads. Dried spruce tips can be ground in a coffee grinder and make a great nutmeg like spice – check out the recipe for Moose Steak with Yukon Rub and for Northern Pumpkin Pie! They can also be used in teas.

What are the uses of spruce tips? ›

They are full of vitamin C for immune system strengthening, vitamin A for healthy organ function, magnesium and potassium, and have always been used by indigenous tribes for coughs, colds and sore throats. It's easily as good as any cough tincture from the pharmacy!!

How do you infuse spruce tips? ›

You will need equal parts clean, dry tips to maple syrup (or other medium.) Place the tips in a sterilized glass jar, then pour in the syrup. Make sure that it completely covers the needles. Run a clean, sterile, non-metal utensil through the mixture to dislodge any air bubbles.

Are spruce tips edible raw? ›

Spruce tips can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried and powdered like a spice/flavoring. We add them raw to salads, use them to flavor desserts, and use the powder to bring unique color and flavor to dishes.

What are 3 uses for spruce? ›

Common uses of spruce include paper pulp, furniture, construction, lumber, crates and boxes, millwork, and soundboards for musical instruments.

What can you do with spruce tops? ›

Decorating Your Spruce Tops:

You may also decide to add accent greens to help fill in any spaces and add texture to your spruce tops. White pines add a beautiful softness to your planters to help contrast the evergreens and branches.

What are the medicinal uses of spruce? ›

It has been chewed in the treatment of throat problems, coughs, and colds (Ibid.). Sitka spruce pitch was also used as a medicine for gonorrhea, syphilis, internal swelling, and toothaches (Pojar & MacKinnon 1994). A decoction of the roots has been used in the treatment of diarrhea.

What is spruce best used for? ›

The wood from spruce trees is known for being lightweight yet strong, so using it for flooring and furniture making is ideal. It's even been used in aircraft manufacturing! Spruce wood is also recognized for its stunning grain patterns.

Why put spruce in water? ›

The easiest way to enjoy spruce tips is to soak them in jar of water for a few hours, in the sun. That spruce water tastes incredible -- it's like drinking the forest! That water also makes a great Spruce Tree Sorbet. And the soaked spruce tips to make some amazing Pine Pollen - Spruce Tree Cookies.

How do you make spruce tea? ›

Simply, add spruce tips and boiling water and let them steep for 5-10 minutes before pouring into a larger jug. I do this several times, adding more boiling water and reusing the same spruce. Once that's done, I squeeze the juice of one lemon into the tea and let it refrigerate.

How to pickle spruce tips? ›

Make brine with one litre of vinegar, three litres of water and one tablespoon of salt for every litre of liquid (four spoons total) Bring to a boil. Pack the canning jars with the spruce tips and pour in the hot brine. Put the lids on and put the jars in a canning bath for 11 minutes.

What to use spruce tips for? ›

Spruce tip Benefits
  1. Extremely high in vitamin C when fresh, frozen, or dried.
  2. Also contains vitamin A and E.
  3. Natural expectorant—traditionally used for coughs and colds.
  4. Soothes sore throats.
  5. Antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiseptic.
  6. Good source of minerals such as magnesium and potassium.
May 31, 2023

Are any spruce tips poisonous? ›

All parts of the tree are non-toxic. Medicinal and nutritional qualities of the spruce include help with the respiratory system; active vitamin C, which fights against colds and infections; Spruce needles contain large amounts of shikimic acid, which is a flu-fighting compound and helps fight respiratory ailments.

Can you freeze fresh spruce tips? ›

Spruce tips are generally clean, but you can remove their party hats and give them a quick rinse to remove any dust and debris. They will last a few months in a paper bag in the fridge, if you can't use what you just harvested. They also freeze well, if you want to keep them even longer.

What can you craft with spruce? ›

Spruce can be crafted into anything that you can craft from oak and the other woods - mostly planks and bark. It's also able to be smelted into charcoal as a furnace, or will smelt 1.5 items per block if it's used as fuel.

What can you make from spruce? ›

Typically I use pollen in baking, as in my pollen bread and pollen pancakes.
  • Spruce Tip Key Lime Pie.
  • Pine Cone-Cider Jam / Varenye.
  • Classic Spruce Tip Syrup.
  • Spruce Tip Panna Cotta.
  • Spruce Chocolate Mousse.
  • Spruce Tip Posset.
  • Spruce Tips: Harvesting, Cooking and Recipes.
  • Caramelized Spruce Syrup.

Why do people pick spruce tips? ›

Well, spruce tips are high in Vitamin C, chlorophyll, and carotenoids; rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium; and they also taste great.

Can you dry spruce tips for tea? ›

Folks here also like drying the spruce tips for tea, pickling them, or making them into jelly. A spruce tip is an immature shoot, complete with needles (Owens and Molder 1973).


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.