Finance guru Suze Orman has a new money message for America: Invest in certificates of deposit right now. “So I need you to listen up because the smartest money move you can make right now is to lock up today’s great rates, by putting some of your cash savings in certificates that have a one-year to two-year maturity,” Orman wrote on her blog on January 18. (You can see some of the highest CD rates you may get now here.)
The reason? “When the Fed changes its Federal Funds rate, interest rates typically follow that path. And the Fed has told us that in 2024 it is likely that it will be reducing the Federal Funds rate. If and when that happens, the interest rates you may be currently enjoying in these short-term safe cash accounts will fall as well,” she says. (Orman endorses the Alliant certificate but says she does not get paid when you open one; she does have a promo page with the company.)
Pros we spoke to on a recent story about where CD rates might go in 2024 also thought rates would likely drop, and according to recent projections from the St. Louis Fed, the Federal Funds rate will likely drop in the next six to 12 months. And many experts agree with Orman that opening a CD now can be smart.
“By securing higher interest rates for extended periods now, investors might benefit from higher earnings over a longer duration, even after the Fed’s rate cut” says AJ Vignola, certified financial planner at King Financial Network. And Matt Bacon, certified financial planner at Carmichael Hill & Associates, says: “You can lock in at close to 5% for a 1-year CD at many institutions and that may prove wise if interest rates drop later this year.”(You can see some of the highest CD rates you may get now here.)
But not everyone needs a CD, Orman and other pros say
But that doesn’t mean everyone with any sliver of savings should run out and buy a CD, Orman notes. “As great as the certificate offers are today, I don’t want you putting all your emergency savings into a certificate. That’s because if you need the money during the year, you will pay a penalty for making an early withdrawal,” says Orman. Indeed, Orman told MarketWatch Picks last year that everyone should keep at least eight months’ worth of expenses in an emergency savings fund. (You can see some of the highest savings rates you can get now here.)
Other pros say similar things — essentially that CDs can be smart for some right now, but it’s not always the best move. “Short-term CDs and Treasuries are attractive, but that doesn’t mean it’s always the smartest,” says Bacon. Indeed, investment strategies should be tailored to individual circumstances.
“Each investor’s situation is unique and careful consideration is required when opting for CDs, particularly regarding their access to funds over the investment term. This personalized approach ensures that investment decisions align with both financial goals and practical requirements,” says Vignola.
For her part, Bobbi Rebell, founder of Financial Wellness Strategies, says, “I don’t believe in absolutes because you don’t know someone’s entire financial picture as well as their unique needs. That said, if in fact you believe rates will be lower in the future, it makes sense to lock in rates for the period of time that makes sense for your needs.”
You might also want to explore growth stocks, Treasury Bills or municipal bonds, pros say. “For those comfortable with higher risk and a longer investment horizon, opting for more aggressive investment options could be beneficial. Growth stocks have historically provided higher returns. And while we concur with the principle of capitalizing on higher interest rates, it’s noteworthy that Treasury Bill rates have been closely mirroring those of CDs,” says Vignola.
Who might benefit from a CD?
Buying CDs can make sense as part of an overall financial strategy for saving. “If you have savings that you know you don’t need for a certain period of time, you can often earn more by putting that money into a CD where it’s locked up for the term of the CD but can often earn a higher interest rate compared to leaving the money in a bank account,” says Kim Palmer, finance expert at NerdWallet.
When compared to other savings vehicles, Rebell says, “CDs can often pay more than other FDIC-insured, safe investments so they are something people should definitely consider. Their liquidity is limited by how long your money is locked up for based on the duration you choose.”
If predictable and decent returns are your goal, CD Valet spokesperson Mary Grace Roske says the fixed-rate nature of CDs is the big appeal right now. “We expect to see CD rates continue to migrate higher for the first part of 2024, but the highest rates to remain about where they are. In the second half of the year, we forecast both average CD rate offerings and the highest rates to start moving lower,” says Roske.
Palmer says the trick is to find a CD with the right maturity date for you, and Orman recommends locking in for a minimum of one year.
And not everyone should opt for a CD. For Bacon, the difference in yields between a CD that matures in less than a year and a regular money market fund are negligible. “If your time frame is less than 12 months, you may as well keep things liquid and continue to hold cash in a money market or high-yield savings account,” says Bacon.
Ken Tumin, senior industry analyst at LendingTree, says: “With many high-yield savings accounts having rates comparable to short-term CDs, it would take a fast drop in rates for the CD to earn significantly more interest than the high-yield savings account and based on what the Fed has signaled, a fast drop in rates in just a few months is unlikely.”
And as a note of caution, Roske, says, “Many of those enticing short-term CDs are promotional offers that automatically roll over into CDs with less-than-stellar rates. There are some great offers out there, but savers should always take a buyer beware approach.”
To see if CDs might be a useful savings vehicle for you, consider whether you can commit to tying your money up, or if CD laddering might be a helpful technique.
As a seasoned financial expert with a deep understanding of investment strategies, I want to emphasize the importance of staying informed about current financial trends. Suze Orman, a reputable finance guru, recently shared a compelling message about investing in certificates of deposit (CDs). Orman's advice is rooted in the potential changes in the Federal Funds rate, as communicated by the Federal Reserve.
Orman highlights the opportunity to lock in favorable interest rates for one to two years by investing in CDs. Her rationale is based on the expectation that the Federal Reserve might reduce the Federal Funds rate in 2024, leading to a subsequent drop in interest rates for short-term cash accounts. This insight aligns with projections from the St. Louis Fed, indicating a likely decrease in the Federal Funds rate within the next six to 12 months.
Backing Orman's perspective, financial experts such as AJ Vignola and Matt Bacon suggest that securing higher interest rates through CDs now could yield prolonged benefits, even after a potential Fed rate cut. Vignola specifically mentions the potential for higher earnings over an extended duration.
However, it's essential to note that Orman and other professionals caution against a one-size-fits-all approach. Not everyone should rush to invest in CDs, especially if it means compromising emergency savings. Orman underscores the importance of maintaining at least eight months' worth of expenses in an emergency fund.
Individual circumstances play a crucial role in determining the suitability of CDs as an investment. Financial planners like Bacon stress the need for personalized investment strategies, considering factors such as access to funds over the investment term and aligning decisions with financial goals.
Other financial instruments, such as growth stocks, Treasury Bills, or municipal bonds, are also suggested alternatives by experts. These options may be more suitable for individuals comfortable with higher risk and a longer investment horizon.
For those considering CDs, it's crucial to assess whether locking up funds for a specific period aligns with their financial goals. Kim Palmer mentions that CDs can offer higher returns compared to other FDIC-insured safe investments, making them worth considering for individuals with savings earmarked for a specific timeframe.
CD Valet spokesperson Mary Grace Roske emphasizes the fixed-rate nature of CDs, anticipating rates to continue rising in the first part of 2024. However, she also cautions that enticing short-term CD offers may automatically roll over into less favorable rates, urging savers to approach such promotions with caution.
In conclusion, while CDs can be a prudent part of an overall financial strategy, it's crucial to assess individual circumstances, goals, and the potential impact of changing interest rates. As financial landscapes evolve, staying informed and adapting investment strategies accordingly is key to making sound financial decisions.