The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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22 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 11 Automobiles or Sale 11 Automobiles or Sale Automobiles or Sale 11 29 I In Legal Notices Auto Livery Garages 16 30 OTHERS ALL PRICES ree Service As Usual Wanted Automobiles 17 OLDSMOBILE BUSINESS SERVICE 5 0 I) CHEVROLET OK'D USED CARS 0 rf 0 1125 $135 4 85 0 0 0 0 Building Contracting 25 1328 rg 6 6 38 8 32 Oldest 5 5462 MR RIVERS 1928 GOOD WILL SPECIALS 20 STUDEB A KE Plumbing and Heating 1928 TRADE Millinery Dressmaking 1929 23 Moving Trucking Storage CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ANNOUNCEMENTS lorists six 1926 new 9 Personals 5 6360 Painting Papering 23S7 Main St Tel 5 1300 had 10 Lost and ound be CADILLAC Like new STERLING A ORR INC USED CAR DEPT HORSE RACING RESULTS TEL 2 4163 T7 PEARL ST COLLEGE BASKETBALL 2ft Printing Stationery Time furlongs Sh Pl 11 1926 COLLEGE DOCKET Professional Services 1 4 Blue AUTOMOBILES 10J4 Auto Dealers 192G CANADIAN PBO HOCKEY purse Automobiles or Sale AT CENTRAL HIGH i' Holy 5 1 0 St Horse and Jockey 6 Dick 0 107 PACKARD $700 USED CAR DEPARTMENT Time lo minuta AT CLUB MARMON 1923 BROUGHAM 27 Beauty Shops ASTOUNDING VALUES! Imperial? Parkside? $700 0 USED CARS 4 460 And 1921 that 1919 5M) 0 192' Oldsmobile Coach 1926 1926 Hudson ord Touring 1926 0 I 1927 15 8 21 28 Repairing MARMOX 1925 LIMOUSINE SEDAN Pontiac Landau 1927 Motorcycles and Bicycles ord Coupe 1927 25 others ready to eo ROCKINGHAM ALLETS A TERMS 28 Vi Piano Tuners Armory 0 82 14 Auto Accessories orfeited 360 LA SALLE $800 4121 erklns 5 130(1 420 yea olds Deferred Payment? Arranged Bcnovatlng and Dyeing 1160 91 432 Standard Rear 430 Sen ice Stations Repairing 15 721 STATE TEL 5 27S0 rn 660 9 Open evenings SPRINGIELD MOTOR CO 466 436 492 489 ALLEYS up EMPLOYMENT 3 33 Ph TEL 2 3313 BUICK TUDOR 429 87 MOON OR ONCE MUSHMOUTH LOSE HIS HEAD 479 497 463 471 74 503 32 86 (Bailey 92 104 514 439 4S6 88 80 8 4 'LaTalme 193 484 477 497 66 85 Brennan 80 494 467 492 511 439 478 496 wric i 1 Mosher Byrne If If 10fi 85 80 80 91 1 1 1 90 84 99 89 81 84 68 86 104 0 0 PI 8 1926 1928 185 100 50 8 5 84 2 4 0 ollett Hank 82 81 1 4 0 0 0 1 PI 280 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Sh 240 0 0 66 91 4 0 0 78 62 1OO 69 88 74 3 0 4 0 8 Sh 280 220 440 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 Sb 300 1925 1925 76 PS 85 86 96 89 75 79 87 86 100 78 73 65 64 108 79 89 91 0 0 0 4 LSO Sn 280 220 1929 1928 1927 1926 car is trunk i Score Comets ftuinn Avera ge Pauly 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1000 Time Holy Collin periods SR 89 93 jO9 Sh 4 GO Gray equipped 68 93 89 69 90 64 We point with pride to the fact that this year ONE out of every TEN have pur chased their Used Car here and we take pleasure in inviting your inspection 0 8 0 0 0 76 86 Sh 3V 100 102 96 88 OLDSMOBILE LANDAU DEM WHIPPET 6 COACH CHEVROLET LANDAU BUICK SEDAN 74 74 i Voight Nolan Garfein Reiner? Gauthier Breen Average 1928 1927 St 740 1926 1 926 1926 1926 1927 1926 51 70 74 61 89 85 89 80 St 4 1 OH WELL WESS WE MlCiHT A3 WELL STICK CM THIS Average Oppel Avera Shields TO 193 70 80 85 95 83 85 po 76 81 78 VOU BLAME NOBODV BUT YOURSEL OR CETTIM US LOST YOU OU6HTA HOLLERED AT THEN WHEU WE STALLED That which deserves Success svcceeds: 80 97 69 67 CO 70 68 RR 8R 87 78 78 84 90 Ro 1927 1927 1927 1927 66 74 filler "OlCne 91 1 At Providence I Brown 7 Nor wich 1 86 97 84 89 76 R3 76 St 1 1 74 78 78 165 169 $9 96 STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS Pontiac Landau Pontiac Coupe Essex Coach Chrysler 58 Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Oakland Coach competition inspection ezing solutions ranklin Sedan 76 91 months oldwhite Ono around Lud 941 83 85 1 Sh 4 PL 366 300 of endeavor physical or the attaln Demonstrator Sedan Cabriolet nearly new Coach extra good Coach very good 25 Coach good TODAY CABRIOLET COUPE PACKARD TOURING 1920 $175 2 3154 MR ALEXANDER ort Erie Ont Hamilton Tigers 2 Buffalo 1 82 98 74 Sh 1500 GARAGE available Jan 1st space for 3 cars skylight elec steam good for repair shop or battery station Call 32 Hanco*ck St 66 73 86 86 84 P7 Brassard Gregory Memory Cottini 4 CuftO 1 520 460 1926 BUICK 6 4 ass Coupe 'Nanry rg Reeves rg Sh 309 BUICK 1928 STANDARD SEDAN 2 4126 MR RIVERS Willys Knight Coupe (convertible) Studebaker Commander 4 door Sedan Essex Coupe (rumble seat) Oakland Coach Whippet Coach (6 cyMnder) Buick Master 2 Door Sedan Nash Spec 6 Sport Roadster Chrysler 4 Door Sedan (4 cyllnder) Studebaker Spec 6 4 Door Sedan Buick Master 2 Door Sdan Chrysler Sport Touring (6 cylinder) Nash Adv 6 Roadster langheldBurton MacDonald proung Skverai DODGE 1926 2 4126 Mr RIVERS i Karp If Schaefer If Albert rf Croissan Comrn Ca PACKAGE lost at Dover and Main Sts Return Brightwood Hardware GIRL to feed rulipg machine 5th floor Jlale Bldg 13 Stearns Square MASSAGE at your home by masseuse Call 3 H91 in the morning coach of the Acorn are entered in the Boys This Used Car Dept has basked In the white light of LEADERSHIP for several years During the present year public preference for this dept has been even more pronounced Our volume of cars sold and the total amount of cash in volved breaks all previous records HIRE A NEW yourself i Se dans Coupes Roadsters Truck: Spfid Auto Livery 453 Worthington St 4 4518 ALL kinds of spraying done by power pruning Tel Thompsonville 278 2 EXPRESS has moved to 381 Liberty St Dial 2 7760 BLACK mare with white spot on forehead lost Monday a Notify Balboni 2C WHY argue about nc when you can buy my for $275 Tel 3 S016 Hudson Coach Hudson Sedan Chandler Touring Hudson Brougham Essex Coach Essex Sedan 5 3154 MR ALEXANDER SMALL CHILD to adopt either sex one to take out of the state Mrs Conners 8 Avon St Hartford Ct Pal Dixie Blazoner RANGEVJEW SANITARIUM AMHERST A homelike place for the invalid acute or chronic rational appliances trained nurses and resident physician In sure the best of care Help Wanted emale i Godfrey 1 Mortarrv Triggs rf Godfrey xs Bowen 1g Callahan Ig Donovan rg McDonald rg 119 199 86 REO ROADSTER 1926 $600 2 3154 MR ALEXANDER SPLD CO Cor Broad GRADUATE nuts with high school education for duty from 8 to 5 Write full particulars in letter Box 304 Union Office Late models bought for cash Jack Stone 109 Dwight St 3 7E08 WE SUGGEST THAT YOU CALL AT OUR SALESROOM This weeks old ranged 12 Months to Insurance with Sale BRADY INC Dial 4 2135 158 162 Chestnut St Townsend Beane rf Linehan Cook 1g reeman 1g 1929 HUDSON 5 Pass Sedan fully equipped 1 on rear It is Sh 366 349 760 Allvin rg Killeen rg Herron 1g Embridge 1g Galvin 1g Stickles Eckhardt STATE ST (just Heated garage for weekly or monthly storage reasonable rates Tel 5 0230 Pl 660 360 CAMEO brooch pm diamond set lost Mon day High to Bridge Sts Reward 3 6621 ORD TUlSoR $200 Essex Coach newly painted $165 Belwhite Garage 905 Belmont Ave 3 2592 throughout only A UPHOLSTERING done at reasonable prices mattresses neatly rebuilt 5 8508 82 61 89 $660 575 450 OLDSMOBILE DE LUXE Here is a 1929 automobile that we will sell for price brand new never been out of our showroom Given up agency Call Holyoke 4207 PAINTING and paper hanging A1 work winter prices low Lescord 226Q reducoed fires when prices have been reduced keenest competition and your the Lord Jeffs to make easy shots kept the game close throughout Coach Wheeler announced to his squad that in spite of the extension of the Christ mas recess by the college authorities the squad tyas to report back on Janu ary 4 to start preparation for the game with Maine which opens their season will also chartns from cer Jimmy is Midgets who club Midget league and also manager and coach of the fast Emily Bill Ath letic club which recently defeated the Sagamores of Chicopee The Bills will play the snappy Howard Athletic club tomorrow night at the Boys' club in a preliminary to the Becker Bees Hakoah came O'Connell is co oper atinc with the club staff in pro moting juvenile athletics and may be reached at the clubhouse 260 Chest nut street PONTIAC SPORT SEDAN 1929 Small mileage fl wire wheels new car guarantee save J200 JI Bresnahan 3 1115 USED CARS Service Is a Late model Hudson Essex itz gerald cor Main and Tenth Sts 5 9716 NASH 1929 Standard Convertible Coupe SS50 Call 3 1X123 between NEWELL Exp typlgt and Mon roe op rator tor immediate position jlO state st St 1200 Business Services Offered 18 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELDMASS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19 1928 Chrysler Coach Are Bought Here With Confidence Every used car we is guaranteil METAL Estimates free Spring field Metal Ceiling Co 2 5716 3 yea olds $7W Time EATURING CHEVROLET CHEVROLET MOTHER'S helper good home per uek 84 Knollwood St TH 2 9245 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired roofs and valleys laid or repaired fireplaces boilers and furnaces cleaned by vacuum A Richardson 133 Orleans St 3 0603 I Spark 75 lAverage 79 Average 87 lAverage 102 rizzell 8 rg rg 8 Patterson 1g 9 'Bromace rf 2erguson rf 2 Baromian If 2 McClaren If 0 REO TRUCK 1923 $200 2 3154 MR ALEXANDER Average Average i Mutchler Sullivan Jeanotta Amos Paul NICHOLS Katherine 21 Bess Place Springfield Superfluous Hair Painlessly Disposed for all time by the Single Electric Needle Process 2 chairs 2 operators Telephone G9 Rock XMAS Side walls paper taken off by machine and repapered $9 1 3 off sample books Tel 5 9QO5 EXPERIENCED cashier who ran also do typewriting Must hr efficient in her work Apply tn mgr of Millers Inc a Schulte 1927 Chevrolet Dealer 1926 1926 1927 1028 Many Others 1924 1926 1928 1927 1923 Athelstan furlones all ages $6C6 Time OLDSMOBILE TOURING closure $125 2 24S3 after LA SALLE 1928 4 Pass Coup driven less than 10 QUO miles Spiral Dnlly Dunbar orefather Reatric RUGS COMPRESSED AIR Steam sterilized 9x12 tapestry $150 Cres cent Carpet Cleaning Co 56 Harrison Ave STUDEBAKER COUPE An unusual opportunity to purchase a remarkable value 2 0686 AUBURN b'ALES AND SERVICE 611 MAIN ST TEL 4 2194 CHRYSLER TOURING 1925 $375 2 3154 AIR ALEXANDER ALL KINDS of upholstery furniture re paired antiques a specialty free estimates ln ran Thistle Glad arrhesie Topsy Rallim Our Dan Lorena Marcellia Sh 286 240 We have in our Used Car Dept at the present time several excellent buys to the great demand for the pop ular 1929 STUDEBAKERS Every car has been placed in perfect mechanical condition reducoed and equipped with new tires when necessary Our i io meet ui we invite PRINTING Stationery of all kinds ask for quotations Premier Print ing Co Harrison Ave 2 6712 LOADS to Phila Boston: weekly trips Sullivan the Mover Inc Main office waiehouso and garage 385 Liberty St Tel 2 2168 residence 3 0360 down town office 19 Broadway LORIDA excursion to lorida: round trip $6850 including all expenses strictly pullman Inquire Room 300 1654 Main St Springfield Tel 2 0572 Allen JERRY DURYEA INC State at Oak St Tel 3 4151 1925 1925 1925 1925 ROBERTS AUTO Westerly end South End Bridge: used cars bought and sold: parts of ail makes 4 0919 THE PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO NEW YORK and Jockey' Wt Strong Hoart (McCoy) 110 William Penn (Bumpy) 1 1 1 Aviator (Rose) 105 Also ran nark er Rhyme and Reason SIXTH RACE year nlds and upward claiming nines Horse and Jockey PI 500 15 SO GIRL for housework no laundry go hotna nights 5 19S7 REDUCING to normal weight by natural means perfection in face and figure dou ble Chin reduction bodies slenderized or health and beauty see Ruby Call Hartt 1331 Main St 1926 BUICK Roadster A recent trade in for one of our NEARLY NEW CADILLACS It has always received the proper attention and Is in excellent con dition in every respect The upholstery is Immaculate and paint has retained Its original luster We do not hesitate to recommend this car for we can vouch for its condition The purchase price is nearly 50 per cent below its new car cost Starting Lighting and Ignition Used arts Battery Service game Calvin with visitors scoring Sh 2 80 240 360 Shasta WHITE GOLD With blue sap phires: lost in Springfield Westfield 325 service that satisfies price are fair like thia policy GARAGES BUILT sewers repaired elde walks reinforced concrete and waterproof Ing Hartter 49 Dorn St 3 6958 Model 74 7 pass new two tone gray duco with gray broadcloth upholstery in the very best of condition ull balloon tires all good Will make a splendid rental car Mechanical con dition good Cost new J44S5 Selling price $625 general housework cooking 'Adams Lesefuire MMartln KotraVead Oppel 165 LangheldJr 90 Providence I Dec 18 (AP) Completion of a deal whereby Les Canadiens' of the National Hockey league will send Leo Gaudreault center ice to Providence in return for Ar mand Mondou was announced tonight by Jean Dubuc manager of the Providence club of the Can Am league Gaudreault is to report at once according toDubuc who made the trade to day after a conference with Leo Dandurand of the Canadiens and President rank Calder of the Mondou is a center but Dandurand is planning to use him at left wing 0 rg 4 Rurak 1g 9 1g 18 SOrzalak rf rf 2 Greenberg If ONCE 25 refined girls for tore work undergraduate nurse: waitresses South Hanley 273 Dwight 660 Hum Oregon BI ACK BAG containing articles purchased at orbes Wallace lost Suitable re ward for return Box 1 Sunderland Mass CUSTOM BUILT 7 pass Packard limousine Lincoln coupe 5 pass Dodge coupe 1924 ton White Truck good rubber cheap Garage 478 Central 2 8438 odder 1f Horowitz If roole If SWEDISH massage Miss Lindberg 51 Harrison Ave Rm 2U3 Tel 2 8855 WHOOOEE WILL WSTAH HAN6OVAH Am' DAT JIM BE MAD WHEN DEV IND OUT WE SOTJ LOST ROM DEM? AM fcH SHO HATES OH EMVBUDD't TO IT MAD AT ME WHEN DEY GOT GUNS IN DEPE HANDS AUTOMOTIVE nETTACEMENT TARTS There is hardly an oiphan Genden Bros can not supply pans lor 2387 MAIN COR MORGAN ST ROOS AND VALLEYS Chimneys cleaned and repaired by expe rienced Insured men Springfield Chimney Co 263 White St 5 0845 BEAIIN INC 339 Worthington St with experience on fountain and hincheonct Apply 11 a 15G7 Main Van PACKARD 1923 An excellent buy Al condition 2 0686 82 83 92 83 05 Chrysler model Chevrolet Sport Coupe Buick Roadster Master 6 Chrysler Roadster model Chevrolet Coach Overland Sedan six cyl no fintn Sortan demonstrator Low Priced ords and Chevrolets PIONEER MOTOR CO SOS Main De Soto 2 7732 St Pl 00 460 540 VILLYS KN1GHT Late Model Sedans at Lowest Trices Mevcr Catok Motor Sales Inc 643 Alain St 3 2186 ORDS! 1927 Tudor Sedan 5 wire wheels $250 1927 Tudor Sedan Duco finish $225: 1926 Tudor Sedan $175 1927 Touring $10 1926 Coupe $175: 1926 Touring $66 1925 Coupe $30 1928 Tudor Sedan model A $425 1928 Mode a Tudor just like new $100 off list Cash nr easy terms Ackerman 48 Wil ite Wil irelin think we are Santa Claus when you ask us the prices of these Chrysler Coach Essex Sedan be told from new Esspx Coupe ord Coupes 3 to choose from Jewett Sedans Nash Coach Studebaker Dictator Sedan Whippet Coach Willys Knight Coupe Sedan Kellpr rf Cappello If Perry if St Pl 1540 1500 1800 PONTIAC OAKLAND AND GOOD USED CAR BUYERS Our Plan of( Protection Insures Your Monthly Payments for Sickness Accident Pontiac Pontiac Hudson 25 Chevrolet Oldsmobile Spnrt Touring good ords all models real good Guaranteed Cars Serviced 30 Days Terms Trades Ari ay Plates and LOUIS Open Evenings Oakland Pontiac 22 HEMSTITCHING 8c per yd plait ing skirts $1 Baby Shop 297 Bridge St 2 6916 R2iCittadinn 95 88 Deinghia 91 85 Calabrese JOO Swift Gum Boots (Woolf 104 300 Brunswick fCh'berlain 10 ai Doodfall Patrick Sarsfield SpttC Ethel Haughton Kidder Heap Wamp Jolly Boy Under Wraps OURTH RACE 1 mile and TO 3 1J rrl i tairvtinC' niirqp 1 Hdl UJU rtllU ft ARTIICIAL TEETH A A DR HARVEY 292 Worthington St 2 J718 CHEVROLET BARGAINS Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Landaus (2) Nash Advance Six Sedan Nash Advance Six Sport Roadster Thompsonville ct bub WE have the best lot of used rnotorcyck we have ever had licht now Twenty to chnose from: $5 weekly Dyer fc Everett Jnr 565 Stae St 2 OX HOUND PUPS lost 5 One all tan other tan and female black and white Lost low reservoir Tel 8914 491 izenetma 64 Howe 73 iCummings 74! Watts 89 I Avera 89 IMirnng Mach 0 97 85 PAINTING paperhanging very low pr Pisani 240 St 2 7318 or 5 0398 3 0 0 Chicopee EXPERIENCED MAID general house work orest park 2 5197 I Comets of 0 6 0 0 () 4 0 0 purse S1001) 11A St 2340 GENUINE GENDEN SPECIALS These cars leave our shop clean and mechanically perfect We must make room for our new cars 1927 1928 1928 1928 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1925 Turners alls: 15th Hich at Easthampton: Heart High at Holyoke (pending) March 1 Hopkins academy CADILLAC CUSTOM SEDAN 1926: Chry ler 1927 roadster: Chevrolet 1926 Landeau sedan: Oldsmobile 1927 sport 1926 sport brougham: Chrysler 1927 2 door brougham Dodge 1926 sedan: Chrys ler 1926 coach Cadillac 1925 coach: Hudson 1926 coach Reo 1925 sedan 25 additional cars $25 to $150 finest choice of used cars International Motor Car Co 573 Main St Tel 3 7335 Sh 980 660 360 Wrackhorn 109 240 Scotland Dumpy year olds burse $1000 'lime St 481 1 Radios 75 LeNoir 7 Horse and Jockey Wt King Lehr (TaplinO 165 War Salaam (Trivettk 103 Dive 107 Also ran Eon il? red St Lawrence 3 0 0 0 0 0 OLDSMOBILE 1928 Practically new price low for quick dis posal: private owner terms Tel 2 9295 fo he as represented Thorough reconditioning enables us to do and assures satis faction PONTIAC COACH ine condition will sacrifice for quick sale 2 6686 CHRYSLER COACH Motor very good alsn paint and tires price low terms 2 6686 464 I Smith i IQOTaylor 86 1 Wesson 107iMcMinn 97 4T6 half the points led the Tale Coupe Touring ordor Half Ton Runabout Ton Truck 85 AH' DEH VJELU BE qooD ah' lost! TUNING repairing work guaranteed factory expert est 25 yrs batt reference co anywhere Tel 2 45 1 BURBEBY LOSE BEAUTY ACADEMY Spflds lamest finest busiest school 20 yea expert' nee 82 Worthington St 1 4810 IRST furloncs and upward claiming 169 2 5 Horse and Jockey rnllntv (Tnzelone Buddy Clark (Douglas' 106 xYeathervane (Jones) ln 5 A 1 0 ft ft it Vnrl A I "Th6o Kischief Macher Clear Star Little Shasta Braedalbane Queen ban SECOND RACE maidens claiming 16Q4 5 BARGAIN CARS 4 OR CHRISTMAS CHEVROLET TRADE INS ord? all models $50 to Chevrolets all models $65 to Larger cars Very low prices Trucks Dodge ord Reo $50 to THE SAE PLACE TO BUY YOUNG MOTOR CO Used Car Dept New Car Dept 434 Worthington St t' 1897 Main St 5 4071 5 9633 166 1 2 101 6 1 Clarence Lebus Vibra Herber IRST RACE All ages purse maidens claiming 6 furlongs GIRL for housework no laundry small family Tel 5 3880 IRST $806 four and up claim ing 1 i lb miles Horse and Jockey Huey (Knight) Stone Tie (Bethel) Also ran: Apopka for Long Point Senop tus Zend rankman SECOND i860 three and claiming 3 furlongs Time JQ7 3 5 Horse and Jockey an (Barnard) Avisark 2d Cut Bush Also ran: Trumpet THE RANKLIN AGENCY'Where the Used Car Seeker Can Always ind Better Values RANKLIN TRADE INS RANKLIN Sport Roadster Series 11 tKAxhLLN coupe series ii RANKLIN Sedan Series 11 RANKLIN Roadster Series 11 RANKLIN Touring Series 11 RANKLIN SEDAN 10B OTHER MAKES CHRYSLER 70 Roadster NASH ROADSTER 1926 LINT Touring SPECIALS These Cars Listed Below Are Triced rom $25 to $300 1924 MAXWELL Touring 1921 BUICK Coupe 1922 HUDSON Speedster 1923 OVERLAND Touring Deferred Payments Convenient Terms THE RANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO 687 State St Tel 4 2736 Std Tn excellent running condition with tires 19 2 car garage $300 Repairs alteration? reliable workmanship Chand ARROW CO TRADE INS AT REASONABLE PRICES CADILLAC 1925 7 PASS SEDAN MODEL 33 PIERCE ARROW 7 PASS PACKARD 5 PASS SEDAN 1998 LITTLE SIX PIERCE ARROW MOD 80 5 PASS SEDAN HUDSON 1925 COACH STUDEBAKER 7 PASS SEDAN PIERCE ARROW MODEL 33 TOURING THE ARROW CO 11 PARK ST DIAL 2 4184 GARAGES for rent or can be used for winter storage $4 mo 60 Nelson St or call 5 5806 Reds Get Leo Gaudreault rom Les Canadiens JORDAN COUPE 1926 $675 2 3154 AIR ALEXANDER ore Lady Bearing Denny Cooney Jim Captain Lawton3 ear olds and nn Elmer (Trimble) 106 Sea airy (Woolf) 106 My Destiny (Wood) 103 Also ran Marble Arch Shik Starles? oolscap ITH RACE 1 mile and 76 yard? 3 year olds and upward claiming Time L4 Horse and Jnckey Wt St Priceman (Shropshire) 105 400 300 Talladega (Schreiner) 1 10 600 Gnome 2d (Bonner) 103 Wesson 1 S3 Hh 99 5 ass Sedan This car has had but one owner and has always been given excellent care Chauf feur driven coupled with the fact that the motor has been checked up every 5000 miles 1s your guarantee as to its mechani cal condition It is finished in Waverly that retains its original luster with excellent tires ana many This CADILLAC will make an ideal family car for someone of average means who Is desirous of receiving the maximum in transportation value at as low a figure as is obtainable A SERVICE THAT SATISIES Expert Piano $200 Reliable repair workmanship former pro fessional tuner for all theaters local stores references to my ability as factory expert Out of town calls attended to Kublcek Tel 5 5732 Horns 3 6h 81 S6 81 80 to Present Cup to Midget Champs Jimmy O'Connell Springfield's "boy who has been assisting with vt he organization of the basketball leagues at the Boys' club will present to the champions of the Midget league a sil ver loving cup suitably engraved The players on the championship quintet receive gold basketball the popular juvenile offi 10 4 2 amily 24 Umpire Western Mass Boys With A reshmen Amherst Dec 18 Several Western Massachusetts boys are included in the group of 16 candidates that have re ported to Coach Larry Briggs as aspirants for positions on the Mass Aggie reshman basketball team These include Kenneth Hodge former star at Monson Richard Merritt ex Williamsburg High player Philip Con nell of Springfield John oley Am herst boy Dick Rowley of Holyoke and Melvin Wanegar of Montague City abyan of East Weymouth con testing for the two backcourt berths A 10 game schedule is nearly com pleted In addition to the following dates another is pending with Cushing academy: January 11 Arms academy at Shel burne alls 19th Holden High 26th Clarke school at Northampton eb ruary 1 South Deerfield at South Deerfield Sth Turners alls High at Easthampton 19th Sacred EDY DALEY CO Worthington St cor Chestnut Tel 5 2170 ESSEX SubAN 1928 like new J475 Mey Catok Motor Sales Inc 643 Main St year olds 'imp 14: 5t Pi 3 Trip! A Leagru 4 BtafS Elec Tim 3 2 Larsen arnonl Minette Boden Cunn'gham Pnrh I Shock Absorbers Banola Harry Carroll SEVENTH ward 1 non $615 495 245 345 395 795 A Terms A CENTER INC 486 Bridge at Pearl St 3 1115 OPEN EVENINGS This enviable position offers Its own re ward public recognition and compen sation to the firm which places its rep utation for honest dealing above that of monetary gain NEW AND RECONDITIONED TRUCKS GENERAL MOTOR TRUCK CO 5 2786 784 WORTHINGTON ST OPEN Coach 1 Sdan 6(X) HARRINGTON INC 150 CHESTNUT ST 5 4030 Cal Ewing Calls Off fr Major Minor Meeting'Oakland Cal Dec A Scheduled meeting at West Baden Ind January 10 btwen representa tivea of the major and minor baseball 1 leagues to discuss revision of the present draft rules was called off to day by Cal Ewing chairman of the minor leagues committee Action was taken following the refusal of big league officials to attend Ewing president of the Oakland club eaid he would call a meeting to take up the same subject a few days prior to the National Baseball asso ciation convention in Chattanooga Tenn next December DISTINGUISH Between these quality Used Cars and others iau 11 nnd tney are really a bit better looks price and mechanical condition 14 5 33 at half time Ptd 6 5 Pass Coach This car can be bought right Has the best of care )AN 1926 Standard A dandy 2 0)386 A 5 pass 4 door car finished in two tnno rray with gray brnadHnth up holstery in very best of condition ull balloon tires all good: bumpers front and rear trunk and spare tire This car has thousands of smooth powerful miles for the buyer Cost new $3770 Selling price $630 2 412k Mr RIVERS Jack o' Been ('avons) 97 Jim Bridged La idly) 1 0S 1926 CHEVROLET Touring A good running little car rCan bought reasonable vear olds $600 Time Sangor Morgan Bout Going on Says Andrews s' Milwaukee Wis Dec 16 fAPi Tom Andrews matchmaker for the championship bout between Joey San ger Milwaukee junior lightweight and Morgan announced today the light would go through despite San gov's statement after he was knocked out by Armando Santiago Cuban box erg Last night that he was With the ficht game" The bout is set for New day at the auditorium here Andrews said Sangor now wasdetermined to vindicate himself Amherst Hoopmen in Drill With Schoolboys Amherst Dec IS Coach Al Wheeler sent his Amherst college quintet through its last drill before the Christ mas recess today in a long practice game with the Northampton Com mercial school five The team was outmatched in passing and team work in general but the inability of 471 509 Plug 90 64 Kozak' Cohen Polunsky 1g Levjson 1g 74 Searlemen rr Grodsky rg 0 506 Magnetos i 87 A Vw REOPELL Established Chevrolet Dealer in New Knglsna Used Car Dept a85 Alain St EXPERT Daily 10 a to 7 Tel Masseuse 5 1203 MA SS A hl ng better nwnia llv vr physically than a thorough shower bath Call Nurse 5 2564 miles four vear $800 Time 147 2 5 Wt st 10 1 IVERS Established 187J ur niture and piano moving 3 7713 Broadway Res 3 0360 MAGNETOS AND Brouillet 61 Dresden St six above Hen toward Worcester Tel 2 5844 11 41 Referee Delosh Time 10 rainute periods 5 BOWLING RESULTS 'Sh 3 5 1 4 f1 8 Time 117 1 3 Wt St Pl YALE IVE BEATS ST LAWRENCE 32 TO 18 New Haven Ct Dec Yale over powered St Lawrence university to night at basketball Leading at in termission 14 to 2 and completing the play with a substitute lineup with a 32 to 18 total count Louis Nassau starred with a total of 14 points al though he played barely more than five BUSCALL Nursing Est IS'Hi mod' erate rates 235 Pine St Tel 3 1217 Auto Gora geo 16 purse $1909 Time 14 Hl 3 R0 320 462 Nn Battery A 8 DODGE COUPE 1924 A very good buy 1 1 nt condition: will trade terms 2 0686 ESSEN COACH 1928 In' remarkailv line condi ion mechanically terms 2 0686 42' Diamond Match 3 massing reeman Ryan reeman olay ROtKIES AND WORTHIES CLASH AGAIN TONIGHT two iMdinsr contenders for the Western Massachusetts Bowl in league championship will clash to night for the second time this season 'In the first round meeting the Rock Ingham beat the Worthingtons by 2 I 'r to 1 on alleys winning the third and deciding string by a single i pin Tonight the teams meet at the i Rockingham alleys Bill champion Rockies hold three point lead over the Worthing tons at present the Worthies being locked in a triple tie Avith Northamp ton and the Suffolks for second place The Suffolks roll at Easthampton to Hight with Northampton at South Mad ley The Superiors are bonked for a match in Westfield with Westfield only three points behind the locals in the standing while Indian Orchard will roll at Chicopee 7At Hamilton Colgate 34 University of Toronto 17 At New Haven Ct Yale 32 St XAwrence college 18 Yale freshman 81 Wilby High Waterbury Ct 12 1926 1924 192(1 Auburn Touring nice condition 35 ord Ton Truck stake body good 69 Many others all models all Bargains ord Agents next the new Ry Station AUTOMOBILE SALES CO 93 Liberty St ORD ROADSTER good running condition: $7 cash takes it Kfi Sycamore St llol yoke Tel Holyoke 1983 RADIO All repairs guaranteed 16 experience Tel 3 0170 QUILTS Puffs tacked reason able Tel 5 St PL Sh 1260 1120 580 1280 360 280 Dubner Aleto 8 CHRISTMAS PLANTS flowers center pieces baskets wreaths and cemetery pots order earlv and get the best at the lowest prices lorist 128 Hanco*ck St Tel 2 1388 A Painting and paperhanging rooms papered $4 Tel 5 5917 TAINTING AND $250 room Tel 4 1885 456 I Recreators 'Average lHartiand Keller 77 jBarnstead Tl Sh 4 1 2 1 4 5 2 DODGE PANE 2 3154 St I 820 440 920 PAINTERS Removal sale wall paper? con tinued 50c on $1 Earle 68 Worth ington St PAINTING paperhanging work guar by yrs of satisfactory work Koehler 2 8337 Horse and Jockey Wt St Shasta Rabbi 109 520 Musketeer (Trimble) 196 Wilrirake fRarrettl 196 Also ran Licit Seth Kingman Harbin ger Julie Realist EIGHTH RACE 3 year olds and upward Clubhouse course claiming purse Time 138 Horse and Jockey Wt St Marmary (Ayraud) 108 4640 Piute (Trivett) 1n Seventeen 60 Woolf) 1 03 Eminence In any field is the lesult of either intellectual effort toward ment of LEADERSHIP 12 AS LOW as $1 weekly buys a dependable rebuilt guaranteed motorcycle at the Cran dall Cycle Co 824 State St SALE REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Max Barger and Sarah Barger both of Springfield Hampden County Massachusetts to Raymond Robl nowitz of sai" Springfield dated May 15th 1922 and recorded in Hampden County Reg istry of Deeds Book 1143 Page 37 of which mortgage the undersigned is the present owner and holder by mesne convey ances for a breach of the conditions of the said mortgage and for the purpose of fore closing the same will be sold at public auc tion at ten a riday January 11th 1929 on the premises below described all and singular the premises conveyed by the said mortgage said premises being therein described substantially as follows: A certain parcel of land with buildings thereon situated in said Springfield and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bounded Easterly by Grays Avenue about fortv eight (48 feet: Northerly by land now or formerly of David and Katie Binsky about fifty four (54) feet Westerly by land now or formerly of rancis A Gould about forty six (46) feet and Southerly by land now or formerly of A olsom about fifty five (35) feet Subject to a mortgage of $2490 to the Springfield' ive Cents Savings Bank Being the premises conveyed tn us by the grantee herein by deed dated May 15 1922 to be recorded at the Registry of Deeds for said County of Hampden Three hundred dollars will be required to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of sale as earnest money Other terms to be announced at the sale WILLIAM MANVILLE Present holder of said mortgage Decomhft 18th 1928 amily 4 1 Yankee Joe (Mann) Ibu Conant (Hurlburt) 97 Busy Seth (Butler) A ft TYa TY Ta VP Rose Via Kenning Myrthus Kalani Rag gedy Ann Sassy Sally THIRD RACE furlongs 3 year olds and upward claiming purse $GGO Time 513 Governors 2 679 78 86 92 91 ORDS Coach Coupe Touring Runabout Half Ton Coupe 510 Main St TEL 5 3214 THIRD RACE $800 allowances year olds the Cojimar oH lUi i Horse and Jockey Sawdust (J Jones) Calabria (Ratti) Pugnacious tLH'dv) Also ran: ifia Edna Merry Beauty Some Way Saints anes and Marcella OURTH $1099 all age? the Mar tel allowances furlongs Time 105 3 5 Horse ana Jockey Star (Catron) Nichelson (J Jones) Pa razranh Also ran: Reputation ITH RACE $809 claiming 1 mile 50 yards Horse and Jockey Wt Vicose (T Burns) 111 Silver (Catron) 115 Jim BpII 107 Also ran: Misnomer Marabou Choir Boy SIXTH I 1 16 olds and up claimm Horse and Jockey Silk (Shelton) Last Cent (Whooley) Prince (Hughes) Also ran: Street Liz Arsacid tarns Tahoma Ducky Beggar hill Doily Ben ranklin Tyson DELANEY SUSPENDED BY NEW YORK BOARD York Dec IS (AP) The New lYnrk athletic commission today suspended Jack Delaney former light hpavywpjght champion for 60 daya for reporting that illness would'prevent him from gointr through withan enslavement against Jimmy Slat terytof Buffalo 5 SEVENTH 6 furlongs 3 year olds and upward claiming purse $800 Time 494 492 ly Whels 2 ring 80 84 WHAT PRICE LEADERSHIP? GRAHAM PAIGE SEDAN Model 610 perfect shape 3 months old will sacrifice Zabck Motor Sales Tel Ludlow 92 HUDSON 1925 Coach Very good running condition good tires $130 terms 2 8221 Side Girls Want Some Basketball Games The YVet Side Girls basketball team is seeking games with first class teams both at home and away from home The West Side Girls are play ing the Sagamore Girls Christmas eve at the West Sprincfield High school Any teams wanting games write Aliss Mary Murphy 6S George street West Springfield or call John itz gerald at 1226 BUiCK REBUILT USED TOUR INGS COUPES SEDANS SPRINGIELD Buick co nsn main st 2 4126 445 Gas 2 S'! no 91 02 KESWICK'S REPOSSESSED Cadil lac BiouKham 1027 like brand new Chrv sler 62 Sdan 1928 run 5 months: Chry sler 75 Sport Roadster 1929 brand new: Pontiac Coach 1928 very dean: Chevrolet 4 door Sedan 1928 usd 3 months: Whip Spdan 1928 run 1400 miles: Whipp 3 ppt Sedan 1928 run 1 400 miles: Mhippet Coupe 19 9 brand new never run Whip Willys Knight Coupe Sedan 1924 Charles Horse and Jockey Wt Quick (Schenk) Gren Hill? Lonma n) 1 08 Jiisf Bran (Wnnlf) 199 Also ran Sphere Trapnt Pnc McMahnp SIXTH 1 1 16 miles and upward claiming purse ANDERSON BENSON 2 8166 urniture and piano movera Local and long distance storage 157 159 Lebanon St PROCTOR furniture and piano mover Reasonable rates reliable Phone 4 0418 DEMPSEY A DAVlS Local and long dis tant furniture and piano reliable service reasonable rateau 4 2991 NASH COACH Advance Six motor perfect tires almost new a bargain $500 Macy xsatiery isorremo at OLSMOBILE DELUXE SEDAN HUPM0B1LE 6 CYL SEDAN ESSEX SEDAN DODGE SEDAN CHEVROLET COACH BUICK COACH BUICK COUPE 4 PASS ORD COUPE ALSO COACH Onen Evenings and Sundays JACK STONE 109 DWIGHT ST MANY OTHERS TEL 3 7808 I A EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE 1275 Main St See us about the job you want COMPETENT Maid for general housework Call 2 4723 CAPABLE Multigraph operator and typist with general experience In the mailing business Give complet information its typewritten application Excellent tunity here tor the right person Box 509 Union Office DICTAPHONE OPERATOR Emp Bur Springfield 66 Vernon St 4 EXPERIENCED nurse wanted for 3 children references required Box 447 Union Office BLACK and brown hound found Mr Alex leming Somers Ct BUNCH KEYS4 Union and Winthrop Sts or Main Reward 1007 Main St Tel 5 3085 or 3 2613 CARPETS STEAM CLEANED shampooed feathers and mattresses renovated rugs made from old carpets Spfid Steam Car pet Cleaning Co 304 St lames Ave 2 81 Jo INC Cleaners and dyers ofgar monts and household furnishings free collection and 1 i ve ry 135 State 4 2410 Want Ads Start Here 435 Timers BUICK 1927 SPORT $750 2 4126 MR RIVERS UK SEDAN 1927 $S56 2 3154 MR ALEXANDER oldest busiest hair dressing academy Members American Beauty Schools Assn 34 Maple St 3 5017 Horse and Jockey Wt Infanta (Malley) 104 George Trry (Benoit) 99 Galloninz Dawn Also ran Hugh Money Charlie May Thatcher Walter our Corner Jim McMahon Golden Brown Woollatt Matr Eddie SECOND RACE 2 year oIda purse S130C claiming furlongs Time 109 Horse and Jnckey wt St Nancy Seth (Malley) 106 1640 Oakland 114 Gold Ridg Shropshi re 1 10 Alan Thistle yrn Margu let Snort Omardale Harpoon Black Alice Mystery Ballot THIRD All aej claiming: 6 furlongs Time Hors and Jocky Wt Phantom ire 'ord) Watch On (Shropshire) Little Colonel (Benoit) Also ran Mineralogist OURTH Airport purse 6 furlongs Hnrse and Jnckev Wt Thunder Call 104 940 Strong Tael (Pascuma)106 Glacial (Leonard) 107 Also ran Sunny Port Neck and Prince Bozo en Hayes Umpire Swafficld Time 20 minute halves 1 4 I 9 I rc: 1 I 1 4 ft 'X Iff I SPORTING ywjj i 82 1 69 GO UP DIS SIOE POADAN' DEN xaiu in i a i i i i PH IU 82 H7 CUT UP IT AN' (SO AROUN' OAT AShdrvl MUUql (JU I rKU Wt gggjggggf XWW If LAX I MUK 1 Highway ANO then II Hill 111 I iff il i vn'hat 7 4 I i 473 ri irOTJlfflKrilllLrL 1 I Wk RWS i rf I I rf ft Wt St Pl Sh 110 1 10 1 3 out 113 3 5 out 109 out out out.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.