The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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15J 4 Cubs Beat Reds Behind Babe Gets 31st Homer By eg Murray Ready or Return Go ine Pitching As Yankees Lose Game 4 4 to 3 AMERICAN scat tied score: a 4 po ab 5 3 OMeuarlV 3 3 0 4 1 0 4 0 0 0 33 27 0 0 McuspI by Bh se on Jlisn McCor of 7 4 Ormsby AT WESTIELD Home Run Hittert in The Major League 1 Copyright 1928 by Metropolitan Newspaper Service 11 ab the i 4 challenger 4 0 6 0 much disputed 4 16 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 1 3 Grove 0 4 0 0 I Ruffing! 0 0 4 HiRt sonn Hoffman 4 0 RE? 0 0 HORSE RACING RESULTS 3 Share 0 1 'k'shipp 0 0 Wilson a iSturdyt AIRMOUNT PARK AT AT AQUEDUCT 6 24 30 0 0 Sb Re: 1398 by SetHendre Struck PEHDOH1 Time a THE AMOUS 0 'Bishop 2 4 Todt1 0 ab ab CLICK COLONEL a fur 4 0 Sh Pl St 0 4 upwards and b'nite (Robertson) 0 0 0 (i 0 8 3 Sh 0 4 368 4 0 0 0 0 0 Lynns NORTH SOUTH 34 1 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 allowances Sh 0 8 track Van olds Manufacturing Co of America NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE AT LATON1A CUT Sh Sor 10 9 Sh The AT NEW ab a po RUNS OR THE WEEK Sweeney 1 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 4 Tl 4 3 0 916 8 Whilehill 4 0 0 24 16 12 16 9 0 Sh Wt Army 428 0 0 9 Styles IK Sh IT 1 0 1 8 6 Vn Sh Balled for Rayne In 8th Little HOLYOKE MARATHON DALTON TOWN TEAM un Stryker Sh 14 Pc up at 577 Reading 30 41 teams each having won a con street xDid not piny Double header I 'A Nw York A 1 1 IKE LOW PRICES Golden Dorna 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 non 0 0 0 JSinithcf 0 0 6 Melilla 2 Manuahl Schulte cf 4 Gerber Hofm'nc Hutting Rogells ti'Todt I 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 Brannon 2 Manushl Schulte cf 0 i) Mlllercfr rench Haas If 4 0 I) 0 Uhlep Bayne 0 0 0 4 4 1 1 3 7 0 0 1 0 9 0 3 5 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Rlcer Hy 0 0 0 0 0 Batted for Boley In Sih 1 Bat led for Walberg in Sth 0 0 Dykes 2 Boley Collins 0 1 3 3 0 Maguire 2 Cuyler a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lind 2 and first 304 446 33 33 698 1793 Bishop 2 Cobbr Dykes" Boley 535 1 Ruffs In 529Jer City 0 0 0 and 0 0 Toronto Baltimore Rn Hester Montreal St 1600 0 0 0 Ricecf 'hnannr 8 1 8 1 St 714 464 M3 ft10 Goallnl West1 Judge 1 Kevvesa Uuege3 Kuslc Braxton 0 Minor ajinlls St Paul rench! Rommel 300 746 A BIC HIT WITH BASEBALL ANS I Burns 1 Summa 7 8 8 10 9 9 no 5 14 10 Lewiston Me July 2 (AP) at an early age and had as he was a full fledged citizen was discovered recently and by that his mother although tak Left on base? Base on ball off Struck out by by Smith 3 po 1 3 2 3 0 Combs rt 1 loenigs 452 378 Colo 19 4 3 Berley 'Runs Holds 2 Mr Neely TL 756 968 14th sent 001 ooo Hankins St 416 6 1 20 1 33 37 37 46 6 New York Philadelphia St Louis Cleveland Washington Boston Chicago Detroit 3 PL 7 10 8 5 8 Me 0 (J 0 game) 010 100 ooo too Buckalew 38 37 0 0 and 3 1 2 0 3 13 S'thern ct Hurst 1 Leach 1 Whitney 3 Sands Davis a McGrawp Walsh perfect The champion with the services of two who were brought up up Tunney's footwork ork Runs Gehrig 2 baMi hits Boston Philadelphia Runs la 0 1 0 0 our we ftwn LAND Ort Vfcrt) roppie atted for Strlehl sixth tfiatti'd for Bp In ninth BOSTON ah 71)4 Betel relieved McGraw on the Phillies and made the Columbia 'varsity intercollegiate chari ot the big favorites stroke Eric Lambart sudden discovery that 129 4 Horse and Jockey deserved no Hornsby 2 Bell 3 Brown I arrell a Taylorc Moore RSmithp Sh 358 270 308 up Time and upward now ramhtr Avenue purse 3 2 2 7 0 Clement BAY STATE RACES AT WINDSOR TODAY 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dalton July 2 The Dalton town team will play the Polish alcons of Pittsfield here on the afternoon of Wednesday the ourth This will be the third and deciding game between these test 3 Whitohill went the Detroit and was ef fourth innin O'Rollings1 uiTaittr 0 Gerber O'Rrbck3 O' Hevingc Smith Signor 1 0 Tavener onseca Hargrave Wingo 2 punched the champion al the ring during the erh but eventually lef st 694 36 9 23 11 1 4 1 1 0 2 Simmons lag Miller Ann ateful Old Cnlnny Columbia Battei'ies Baldyga and Augustus Daviv and Lymancyk 7 10 i 0 1 1 9 PL32 L26 8 1 (AL) a and upward mile Time 2 0 to 8 Blankenship while walking si thi first game only allowed six and pitched an tVhitA Sox St rel'hip Reckp Sturdy iSrhangt iSax Manchester Cummings Diehl and Krepps and radden Cantwell in 5th in 10rh when winning run Manchester a ictAn Batteries: Smith and Artn Kkelson and Padden Portland Me July 2 (AP) 2h 7m (AL) po 4 5 6 5 Lew 6 2 8 2 Lucas Horse and Jockey Wt St Coy (Parmaleel 199 1924 Edith Gray (McTaguej 94 Realty (Richardson) U7 Sh 488 676 1010 Cincinnati July The Chi igo Cubs again claimed third position Artie whil Kolp Clancy 1 Mostilcf i Ttenoldsr I Redfern i MrCurrtyc Gowdy 110 0 2 6 2 1 0 5 101 Complete Stock of All Sizes Priced Proportionately Wahl Spring Brakes 7 18 1 0 (I 0 0 I id 2 Todt Browns The scores Hrst Game INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE (Morning game) Toronto Rochester Batteries: and Morrow (Afternoon Toronto Rochester Batteries St Muneo 121 123 Sylvan Ave Newark BRAVES WIN TWO ROM THE PHILS CHICAGO (Alb a 5 0 0 1 3 0 RED SOX DIVIDE WITH ATHLETICS IT 19 2 10 3 Wood 6 3 Toronto Rorhetter Reading Baltimore Montreal Newark 13' Buffalo ft Jersey City S' 4 Smith Lore claiming Time 112 Wt 105 PL 5 88 440 8 1 4 1 Jugler RICKARD INSISTS TUNNEY HEENEY BOUT A CERTAINTY Stenhen Beck 2 Hargrave hits Wilson Cuvier Three base hit Hargrave Stolen Stephenson Cuyler Sacrifices Purdy on bases Chicago 8 CincH Rase on balls off Nehf 3 off rCtn btruck out ki 6 in 7 Innings Losing Jablonowski Umpires Klem and mick Time Ih 41m Philadelphia Boston Runs Bishop Dvkes Perkins lead Runs batted In 1 ItntAv oxv 2 hits lagstead Cobb Regan oxx Three base hit Grove Home runs hams Double play Myer and Todt Boston in Philadelphia 14 Detroit Cleveland 1 Runs Gehringer WhhrhilL Jamieson ted In Morgan Uhle Whltethlll Hellmann 1'wnhiiMi hits Lind 2 Hellmann Thrre base hit Uhle Home runs Tavener Wingo Sacrifices Rice Uhle Double plays Warner Ohringer and Sweeney Sewell and Lind Left on bases Cleveland 10 Detroit 7 Base on balls off Uhle 2 off Whitehill 3 Struck out by Bayne 1 by Whitehill 2 Hits off Uhle 12 in 5 1 3 innings off Whitehill 0 In 1 2 3 Innings off Miller 0 In 1 inning Losing pitcher unie umpires inneen Gratian and Nallln Time Ih 47m rate the 1 2 0 1 Miller Williams 2 41 If 27 0 0 0 0 Thompson batted in Two base Sisler 3 Sand 0 Ptpgrasp I Paschal IGazellat in McGraw Walsh losing pitcher Umpires Moran Reardon and Time 266 480 Gaffney White Boots Toggery Bay Ixouis Star purse $1000 ab Tancy i Kamm3 Metzlrrl allowances purse $1000 allowances Spring Grove $1000 6 furlongs Time li Horse and Jockey Wt Rothermel (Garner) 109 Gen Grant (Stretton) 105 Genial Host (Root) 114 Also ran lorian Wood SIXTH 3 year olds furlongs purse $1oOV Horse and Jockey Canberra (Gamer) Gov Pratt (Kern) Pigeon Hole Ablei Also ran Braybant Portia nel SVTTI A 3 vea olds and ward claiming purse $1500 1 mile and 70 yarns lime 144 Horse and Jockey Wt St Wolfy (Stretton) 114 1112 Babe (W Garner) 107 Updike (Crump) Also ran Ven deuse Ada Adler Musician well Love Child That is the answer of Tex Rickard possiDiy 0 5 24 8 27 1 0 0 1" Zvlt and 1 1 16 miles Chicago 0 Cincinnati 0 Runs English Maguire Cuyler son (r Walker Allen bases Beck naii 1 off Jablonowski 1 TJnrou nn1 lOPkPV ort Man iParma'lee) 10: ynlovian (rartriqumj olycarp (Mumm) 1 Cammann ab Shasta Lad Coral Reef Kathlren Starbeck Ken Omar Henry Sommers THIRD RACE 4 year oids and upwards NATIONAL LEAGUE Wilson Chicago 16 Bottomley St Louis 16 Bissonette Brooklyn Hornsby Boston Hurst Philadelphia Ratted tor Gray Int 7thPalled for Ktrelskl In lllh CHICAGO I A I) I ST 0 Cobb 2 event tomorrow prize ever horses on a half mile event is attracting some of the pacers in the country A horse has not as yet been seen in a In New Knaland and who has made his invasion of the United States this spring is the favorite to win the race Grattan Bars a Cana dian bred horse by Grattan Royal is that favorite Another Grattan Royal offspring is the second choice Widow Grattan that beautiful bay mare who paced a mile in 204 at Avon last week to win the 210 pace on that track Close followers of the races predict that it Widow Grattan is able to get a good position in the first heat she will win the event Other choices for the event include Kinney Direct Chattanooga Bonnie and Volo Rico The entries for today's events follow: 230 Trotters purse $1000 Br rento McKlvo Nnretta MrKinnev tnlan Summers Worthy Peter Kent Shad ow Brooke Loyal Spirit 218 Pacern purse $1000 Srolt Grattan 'Subito McKinney Golden Maize Maggie Direct Jimmy Strathmore Theodore Gen try Petci Jane Brooke Peter Harvest worth Two year old trotters purse $2000 Bingen McKlyo Miss Modesty Paquita Gnat Canto Miss lorence Hollyrood Lee Guy Express Peter Patch Hollyroud Britton Major Brooke Voloino Chestnut Eva I hmder with day score Grove out In 7th Inning hit by batted ball for ettteniire tn fin jRan for Ruffing in 7th' Batted for Garrison in 9th Second Game TH I LA ah Since the famous Click the guaranteed Dollar Ball Ims been reduced to 75 more golfers every day are swinging over to this good old reliable ball Each ball is marked for easy identi fication in red blue green or black Sold by all Professionalsand sporting goods dealers Play the Click it will put real con fidence into your game In Both Dimpled and Method MarkiHgl Neht was master of the Rcdlcgs McCarthy and company nicked and Jablonowski to win 8 to 2 Nehf hell Cincinnati to five tered bingles and the only tuns were scored on Hargrave's triple be hind a walk to Stripp and a fly which scored Hargrave Hack Wilson's double in the second with the bases full after two runs had been scored boosted the Cubs three more for five in the inning Cincin nati tumbled again into fifth place The Cubs hit Kolp for eight hits in two innings The CHICAGO (N'L) a Tlolyoke July 2 No less than 25 are expected to take part in the local maiathon race to be held Wednesday in connection with the of July program The runners will wind the Prospect playgrounds the ing point being at Northampton and Westfield road i Champion Gene Tunney Holds Snappy Workout Speculator July 2 (AP) Apparently in top form Gene Tunney today put the best workout thus far of his training preparations for his heavyweight title match against Tom Heeney New Zealand challenger at New York the 26th Tunney extended his ring sparring to six rounds three each with Harold Mays heavyweight and Billy Vida beck 175 pounder The champion was in great shape rolling with punches slipping punches in close clinches and countering quickly and accurately After he had ended boxing for the day Tunney was perspiring freely but his wind was had dispensed welterweights here to speed 25 11 27 14 0 0 0 0 2 4 Williams 2 na 2 Runs bst ted lagstead Regan Gerber Hofmann Todt Simmons 2 Cochrane Collins Two base hits Hofmann Simmons oxx lag stead Horne runs lagstead Regan Cochrane Simmons Sacrifices Todt Miller Myer Rpgsn Double play Berger and Rpgan Left on bases Boston 4 Philadel phia 8 Rase on balls uff Macayden 3 off Walberg 1 Struck out by Macayden 2 by Walberg 5 H'ts off Macayden 11 in 7 2 3 Innings off Ruffing 0 in 1 1 3 innings off Walberg 11 in 8 innings off Rommel 1 In i Inning VVinnig pitcher Macayden Losing pitcher Walberg Umpires Me Gowan Connally and Barry Time Ih 57m Second BOSTON (ND ab po a a 3 3 races are on the list for today The opens the tour aay stop me AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 000 2 Wingo 2 Runs bat Tavener Warner Hargrave by Delanev 1 in 9 innings off Delaney Winning pitcher Delaney don Magee and Moran 1 Batted for Taylor in 9th for Burrus in 9th JBatted for Hollingsworth in 9lh JRan for Lerian in 10th JOne out when winning run scored Game PHILA ab 112 Runaway cess 105 Pi ocne Root 100 Also A Bensinger Kiss inkin air Rowena Theo Red Clarifier SECOND RACE 2 year olds maidens claiming purse $1500 5 furlongs Time Sh 748 286 334 Ticker Cincy Gets Only ive Scattered Hits Off Artie and Chi cago Club Moves Back Into Third Place Score is 8 to 2 Tigers Bat Hard to Land Victory Over Cleveland Detroit July 2 (AP) George Uhle are Cleveland's pitching staff was hit freely today and Detroit took the opening game of the series 7 to 3 Jack Tavener and Red Wingo hit home runs into the right field stands drive came with one runner on base Uhle was forced to retire in the ninth Earl full distance for fective after the score: DETROIT iAfA inns HV nt lar 44IP3III Schulte 3 Kress Maninn nmpnponi't Two base Con nelly McCurdy Lyons Thrp base hits Schulte bases Mosih namni Clancy Metzler Red Mnstil Schulie Lpft on Ionia SfriU'k nut bv Connally 1 by byons 2 by 1 I asr on balls off Connally 4 off Lyons on Tdaoholder 2 off Strelrchl 1 off Berk 1 Hits oft RUrholdor 5 In 1 1 3 Inninas off oft Htrelechl 3 In 2 2 3 Innings off Bm 2 In 3 Innings oft Connally II In 5 innings oft Iyons 7 In 4 Hit by pltrhor by Hook CInry Winning pitchrr Connally Iom 1ik pitcher Illneholder Umpires Owens Gisel and Campbell Time ih 53m Yale Eight WiU Meet Wyandotte in irst Heat Philadelphia July Three eight oared shells were seeded in the draw at the meeting of the American Olympic rowing committee tonight The Yale eight was paired with the Wyandotte (Mich) Boat club while Harvard drew Columbia in its heat and California was given Princeton in the third heat The eights will row on Thursday and the winners with the fastest second will row in the semifinals on the following day the winners to meet in the final on Saturday claiming JlOeOll: 1 1 16 miles Horse and Jockey Wt Thistle Boy (Smith) 112 Watchful (Horvath) 112 Rnfvu Hacnn tMosPf) 107 Also ran Sentimental Tomm 1 Cnmar 1 1 TTH RACE 2 year olds claiming Horse and Jockey Bless Heart Susie Pal (Creese) 1 TTI (th) Also ran Cleasner Petticoat Lane ouish Georgia Herget Dare Knees SIXTH RACE 3 year nlds and upwards claiming lunongs Horse and Jockey Wt High Lie (Creese) 110 Time Exposure 109 Dr Glenn (Parmaleej 105 SEVENTH RACE wards claiming $1000 Three Events Will Open Greatest Week of Racing in Short ship The Eay State cim its half way mark are Standing of the Clubs 36 38 32 0 0 1 0 1 0 11 0 0 A Hit Everywhere! EAST WEST 0 3 0 0 Prudhomme and Styles Cracken Kaufmann and (irst game) Montreal Buffalo Batteries and Urban (Second game) Montreal 1 Buffalo 0 0 (3 innings: played under 7 agreement) Batteries Dunegan and smith and Urban Boston Captures Pair of Ex tra Inning Games by 4 to 3 and 5 to 4 Boston July The Braves took two extra inning games from the Phillies today the two contests lasting five hours and nine minutes The opening game went 14 innings before the Braves won it Benge who went the route for the visitors filled the bases in the and Lester Bell's scratch single in the winning run In the second game with the at 4 4 as tho Braves went to bat in the 10th Smith singled Sisler came through with his third double of the game and Hornsby walked filling the bases Walsh the mound for 40 13 2 0 0 I 2 0'0 MnsHl ptzler Connally Brannon Manush Krejw i rmirt Manion Strechl Sturdy totted in Reynolds 2 Mostn HMMlfern MGuray I Vajaiiimn Mnnush llliB xvr jf K1TMS Bettencourt Stolen Redfern Sacrifices fern CnnnaUy bases Chicago 6 'Washington July 2 CAP) Despite Babe Ruth's 31st home run of the ea MQjj Washington defeated the New York Yankees here today 4 to 3 Jrax ion Washington ace winning a pitch ers' duel with Pipgras The homer put the Babe 25 games2 days and six home runs ahead of his 1927 tecord On this late last year he had 25 and he failed to get his 31st until July 24 in his 91th game of the season Theh game today was Ruths 69th of the current season of swat did the Bambino own such a margin over any previous record cam save 1920 when he in his first Ni'w York season ho was just blos eoming into a super slugger vith 5 4 circuit drives me score WASHINGTON fAIA I NEW YOI'I Batted for tNnne out scored 462 Lady Assagai Blackburn Lynn Montelee United Army 2 year olds claiming IRST pt 3 year olds claiming purse $1300 93 101 Dwight Tel 5 3109 5 3110 Well Worth Dealing with oodwarth" jab and a short choppy right to ov lowed the Brooklynite Hod Morgan was born on Cliristm15day 1902 at Ast Sequim Wash He evidently wants to have a busy and successful year to make up for the rather poor showing he made in 1927 Tod's best 12 months' record was 1926 when he met and defeated the real class in his division and scored notable victories over such opponents as Carl Duane Joe Glick Johnnie DDundee Mike Ballerino and Kil Sul livan 12 30 14 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 25 0 4 2 0 0 HunneflehL Kamm AMERICAN LEAGUE Ruth New York 31' Gehrig New York Hauser Philadelphia Brannon St Louis Blue St Louis EASTERN LEAGUE Pitching Tops Hub Team in irst Game out Lose Second Philadelphia July (A Thehiladelphia Athletics divided a double the Boston Red Sex 1o the second game by a after winning the first Garland Braxton Hurls ine Ball and Senators Win Out Despite Circuit Clout Score is 4 to 3 0 3 Columbus part of Boley Miller Left on bass Rasp on balls 3 off Grove 3 by Grov 4 inlngR off Gar pitcher Settle mire Umpires Barry Connolly and Mc Gowan Time 2h Rims and Rim Parts WOODWORTH CO petent ring judges thought that tlie aggressive worse than a draw At anv decision has added much interest to the coming struggle Martin makes up in aggressiveness for what tie lacks in boxing skill aaid is a small package of that never takes a backward step Jn his fight w'h Tod a month ago the chunky little Italian around rounds Tzrfty Grove held Boston to nine hits in the opener while his mates were clouting Settlemire and Garrison for 17 hits that included a home run by Bing Miller with two on base in the seventh inning tv the second game the Red Sox found Rube Wal berg more to their liking and cinched the contest with three runs in the eighth our homers were hit in the second game and two in the first Al Simmons fattened his batting average with a total of five singles a double and a homcx run The scores: irst Gam PHILA (AL) BOSTON a 3 Pomorski and Svnolt: and Conk Lerviston Me July 2 (AT) Second Race 230 trot followed by the 218 pace wnvpfi olil trot The events will be for purses of $1000 while the colts in the latter event fur today will trot for a purse of $2000 Tomorrow will be the biggest day in the circuit since its opening The New England pacing derby inaugu tal for a $25000 purse is the second This IS rne largeai offered for light harness The best that race just Promoter Humbert ugazy is stag ing his third world's championship bout of the summer season at Ebbets field Brooklyn Wednesday niglr when Tod Morgan of Seattle king of the junior lightweights defends his crown in a return go with "Cannon Ball" Eddie Martin former bantam weight champion Morgan it will be remembered won a close decision from Martin in Madison Squaie Garden on May 24th in fact the contest was so close that many com LkfiNQ i inwr A Zs vShQ CANNON MAR Tlh in hits asv victory for the White Sox Connally got redit fot lhe second victory but Iyons also hmt 'to do some pitching before halting the Portland Haverhill 8 Batteries: Bushry and ward Tunney Cox and Lee Brockton July 2 (AP) (12 innings) Brockton Lynn Metivier and Mangum Murphy and Bandera Attleboro July 2 (AP) hS PJ mp Salem 1 Attleboro 0 4 3 Batteries Martin and Cook Pomorski and Stack (Second game) Attleboro Salem Aso Kind Wmds Maggie I Art Junior Seth Sifter Pal sfoHn Tnm Uaewin Nancy Byrd CON0 Rop 3 vear olds and upward claiming 11 furlongs Time 113 4 5 HI Ol 1 4 Uo 4n4 jx 1676 628 109 509 Marjory Seth Qun 114 502 Efeldee No Quarter Dingo Lardi Roth Boston Philadelphia Runs Riehbourc 2 Hurst Williams Whitney Runs Whitney 2 Sisler 2 Hornsby Rmithrn Whitney Sand Smith DOllblC laVS Thompson and Hurst Southern and Thomp son Taylor ana rarreu Philadelphia 9 Boston 8 McGraw 3 off Cantwell 2 wrruu' hv Cantwell 2 Hits off McGraw 12 in 9 innings (none out in 10) oft Walsh 0 in 0 innings off Cant wen HiinriKB zi cnuiu tnninew Wild Ditches Winning Smith McGraw Magee tn rannrfc that some OPP Jack Sharkey wil Rake the place of the New Zealand plumber under the flood lights of the big American league ball park or that the match because of feeble Interest might go over en tirely until next September The promoter reiterated his belief that the fistic plum of the summer will draw a gate of at least $1500000 and that his advance sale already has reached $250000 in spite of reports it is much less I to draw that Tex declared $655000 to pay all ex penses Orders on hand already have taken 5000 of the 22000 top priced seats the $40 ticket I ll have a list within a day ready for publication of every single seat The presidential year held out al ways as a bugaboo to business and high finance will have no bearing on the heavyweight extravaganza Rick ard believes "Why I went down to Houston my self see Al Smih nominated and 90 per cent of the people there were politicians publishers and newspaper and all on my compli mentary list to begin with There's another class of people coming from all over the country to see a heavy weight champion match all be lieet on the 26th of The promoter declared his advance sale today was greater than at the corresponding point before Jack title defense against Tun ney in Philadelphia in 1926 urther more he believes that Heeney consid ered no better than a 3 to 1 shot against the champion will do better in the odds as the fight approaches whereas Tunney entered the ring against the old Manassa Mauler at those figures Pale Hose Capture Twin Bill rom Howleymen Chicago July 2 (Al') St Donis to town today and ran into the "White Sox in a fighting mood the I'Browns forthwith dropping games of a double header opening their series After losing the first to the St Louis boys made a battle I it'Jn the second but were nosed out PI Sh 412 346 Kansui City Milwaukee Indianapolis of Louisville and al Toledo no grtmo plaj ed as double headers yesterday Merano (Garner) 169 Lauist Wilson 101 Also jan My Hoby Mount Logan Nica ragua Lamkin Rockaphine OURTH 3 year olds and upward claiming purse $1300 1 1 16 miles Time 144 4 Horse and Jockey ire On (Gainer) Pandesto (Heunel) Billy Baughn 315 Also ran Gale Geo McCrann Brim Marlboro 101 12 1 6 Rhapsody vnn tiamirv uni Sandchntter Ride and Seek Rio Rita Lie Sally Rula and Cadila SECOND RACE Cross country staople chase 4 year oids a aneps $1300 about 2 Horse and Jockey lollan (Williams) Louqsnr (Newton) Arc Light (Byers) (Rip won hut was I VI VI ffhfnb1 4 a Cherub Strom King Ceremonial Mendoza Rip THIRD RACE Africander handicap $1200 added year olds and upwards 6 fur longs Time 112 i Horse and Jockey Wt Happy Argo (Craigmyle) J29 nnvnnflL'eh iWatterl 164 Also Polis Poly Ramoneu: Pad IL Beauregard Harlequin OURTH 4dl) running Myrtle claiming stakes added: 3 yaar olds and upwards: 1 mile Time 139 Also Devonshire Rejuvenation Lord Btuom Candy Pig Hea rate ITH RACE 2 year olds $1000 3 furlongs Time 1G0 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt St Crystal Broom 122 8 Comstorkery (Ellis) 122 4 i ao I i a i 1 i Alon tan Latalnn Prince BdZO Black Prancing Step Raggedy Abington Black Diamond Coin Collector Mordom The Grey Knight Song and Dance man Night Kun SIXTH 3 year claiming $1000 1 mile Horse and Jockey Bramabiau (orce Hat Brush (Pascuma) Aster (Renick) Alen ron ltanvnrH Trb'ze rarkeen The World Capt Martin Braham Sans Terre Dimlight Little Dave Gay Lothario Leach 2 Runs batted in Leach Jahn Whitney Hornsby 2 reigau Bell Two base hits bothern Thompson Lerian Bell Brown Burrus Home run Leach Stolen hasp Thompson Sacrifices Thompson Whitney Sand Benge Smith 2 Sisler Hornsby reigau Double plays Sand Thompson and Hurst Left on bases Phila delphia 16 Boston 15 Base on balls off Benge 7 off Hollingsworth 5 off Delaney 2 Struck out by Benge 2 by Hollingsworth 6 Hits orr Hoiungsworui 2 in innings Umpires Rear Time 3h 2m Horse and Jockey Wt St Ph irst Pick (Rose) 167 52o8 16 19 Hourmore (Richardson) 10 Lucent (Smith) 112 Also ran Glafship Loyal Speedwell RACK' 4 venr olds 1 inie io PL 262 288 Chicago St Louis Runs Hunn efield Clancy d' Metzler Crouse 2 Mr 11 1 1 tea 4'i o3i i 1 I Kres 1 rwu bast tm Clam Manuih Schulte Bettencourt bas hit Crouse Home runs Grouse Double plav Hunnefn td Clssell and Clancy Saen flew Kamm 2 Clancy Blankenship Kress Stolen base Hunnefleld left on bases Chl caau Pt Louis 9 Strnr out by Gray Base on balls off Blankenship 1 off GraywZ off Gray 13 In 4 Inninas oft Sire ski 1 in 2 Inninas Lnsina pitcher Gray Um st 1 Zrn 41 won pircs Lamyneu 3h 30m anta 109 Levity (roggate) Aspin Lake bellow) 112 Also ran Bright Sweepon Bonoby Lady Hay Bon Barkley bteJvio THIRD RACE furlungs purse $1500 Time Horse and Jockey Wt Classy (Ambrose) 1IL CT MJ 1 4 l' fc: THE SPRINGHELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: TUESDAY JULY 3 1928 LINGING RENDR YANKS REDLEGS LOSE TO Me CARTHYMEN New Haven Pittsfield Hartford Providence Bridgeport Albany Snrlngfield Waterbury AMERICAN LEAGUE 20 3 10 13 4 9 0 1 0 2 0 Judge lx a In Ituih Robertson Meuscl Lnwerl Ruth Braxton Double 1 7 NATIONAL IEAGLK Jt Tl Keep with Kellys w8LE DIAMONDS IN THE HANOT PACK IVE INCH HAVANA ILIaER ST I OUTS lALt ab II pi Promoter Says Ticket Sale Satisfactory and Denies That There Will Be Any Postponement New York July A All ru mors to the contrary Gene Tunney will fittht Tom Heeney 15 rounds in the Yankee stadulm on the nitiht of July and you can go right out and bet money on Tex Optimistic lllu1 lenc io Manion St Louis Chicago New York Cincinnati Brooklyn Pittsburg Boston Philadelphia INTERNAT1ONAE IEAGVE Tl Illiixc Samlrtcps bey JLzri nl lazcrl ami Gclmst hs New V'rk Wnshinaion balls off I'raston nil by oa rb Jlraxton Inalng pitch Implies Guthrie Hildebrand and Time Ih 45m tor Grabnwskl tn 9lh tHatated for In hrl' ive Leading Hitter In the Mayor League is just past our rac xitl tViux nnmini LUl HHH lli'e CT of the last few races to be enjoyed bi' racegoers in this section also comes the greatest week of racing in the circuit Starting this afternoon Windsor opens Sage park to the horses that have been trotting and pacing through the circuit Three IBST A 2 year olds claiming $1000 5 Horse and Joe Key Sherwood (Long) Haughty (WnllO Sport (McGovern) Alo ran rieda COLUMBIA CREW LOSES ERIC LAMBART New Y'ork July (AP) On the eve of departure for Philadelphia to participate in the American Olympic rowing tryouts crew former pions and one lost its famous because of the he is an English citizen and unable to represent the United States in in ternational competition Lambart who was born in Eng land came to this country with his mother sumed until it rhnnre ing out preliminary papers had not received final citizenship credentials The development of his ineligibility as a result came as a distinct rhock to the Columbia rowing authorities as well as to Lambart who paced Co lumbia to victory at Poughkeepsie as a freshman again in the boat as a sophom*ore captain and this year to second place in the big race with California Lambart's place accord ing to announcement by Reynolds Benson graduate manager on be half of the rowing committee will be taken by William Sanford junior 'varsity stroke 738 4118 32(1 1570 928 3 4G 2 vear old maidens claim rr IO ing $1CW: o1 runongs time vo Morse Htid Jo' kpy Wt hi Thistle Star (Smith) 114 170 Sunoiin (rancis) 100 'rennji on 1 is A (0!) a V'ct 7 1 I III 111 JI JI I 7 7 BS eni i I I zSWOK fa ii tjjk kci ts wk Kfeu 7 1 CM ISik jgS7l fcsWzO 1 Crzzir Vw AB Tct Goslin Wash 59 183 34 76 413 LasxrrL 62 232 441 86 371 Gehrig 69 73 94 362 Morgan Cleveland 32 109 18 39 358 Koenig 49 190 41 Trader a year ago today Gehrig AB Tct Hornsby Boston 63 21 49 85 390 Grantham Pittsb 50 68 33 65 38 Waner Pittsb 69 260 53 361 Hermann Bklyn 308 26 a4 Bottomley St Lnuis 71 271 64 96 u4 Leader a year ago today Harris Pittsburg 399 a wild pitch on the first ball he threw sending1 in Smith with the de ciding tally The scores: irst Game (ND PHILA (ND ab po 1 ab po a 4 2 1 0 0 cf 6 2 2 0 Smith cf 5 1 4 0 0 5 116 1 Sisler 1 6 1 13 1 1 Hurst I 5 1 16 1 0 Hornsby 2 4 1 5 3 1 Lrachl 7 3 10 0 0 BeH3 7 2 13 0 Jahnr 6 14 0 0 Brown1 6 2 3 0 0 10 10 0 6 2 5 8 UWhitn'y3 6 2 1 3 0 Taylorc 2 0 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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.